Could it be love?

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 We finally sat down and got to our studies. In reality I was thinking about Eli. His face was plastered  on my brain. Alex looked up at me and said"are you okay dude,you seem to be in a deep thought.". I jumped at her Sudden action. " Yeah dude I'm fine.". Yet again I thought about him even more. I thought it was kind of weird for me to like a boy. To even have those kind of feelings. I almost never have feelings. It always was like this for me, ever since I lost my mom,It got even worse. But now, My sad feelings are slipping away. I'm laughing again , and I have feelings. What could happen next . I was so eager to know. For the first time I was kind of happy that I moved to California. I shook my head out of thought. I looked back to where the clock was and it was 3:59. One minute till I get out of school. 


 I got up,but this time kind of excited because I really wanted to see that Eli boy. So I ran out. "JESSIE WAIT FOR ME!!". I heard Alex say. " I forgot sorry" I chuckled. She smirked and we both walked out." Looking for Eli aren't you" she said with a wink. "phhh no!".I said. "you know you're a really bad liar" she laughed."I KNOWW!" I laughed. We both laughed. She then pointed at a direction. I followed her arm and saw him. Eli.I immediately shoved her hand down." dude, don't make it look more obvious" I said in a mean yet humorous way. "heh sorry" . I looked at him again and surprisingly , he was looking right back at me. My heart skipped a beat and I looked away quickly. I looked again and yet he still had his eyes on me. Alex waved him over. I looked at her crazy"what are you doing!" I  hissed . " Did I tell you he was my best friend?". I starred at her wide eyed still trying to soak in what she had said. I was still in a trance until he spoke. "hey,your Jessie right?".I was speechless. "uh..y-yeah". "cool nice to meet you. Alex tells me everything about you." . I smiled and looked at Alex who was looking at me with a evil smile."I'm gonna kill you". I whispered. The bell was about to ring."hey will I'll talk to you girls later,I have a band meeting I have to go to." .We both said okay and walked our separate ways. "You're funny when your nervous"."Hey that's not funny, why didn't you tell me he was your friend!?"."hehe it was a secret..I wanted to see your face when I told you".She replied with a chuckle"An it was SO worth it."

               *                                   2 HOURS LATER*

 Class had ended and Alex went to catch up with Riley. We said our fair wells  and I walked to the near by park again. That place soothes me so much. I walked up the same swing I had sat on last time and just listened to the wind kick the sand. the park was always empty. That's why I liked it. I think the abandoned things are the things that should be cherished more. I sat down and thought about life when I saw this little figure around the slide. The figure was wearing black. Well at least from what I can see. It looked like the person was doing some work. There was a guitar in it's hands. I kind of heard it and I looked away moving my head to the sound. I looked away because I didn't wasn't to look too creepy-stalker-ish. I swung back and forth. I closed my eyes and thought another flashback

                                                * FLASHBACK*

 I was being chased. I ran out of breath and hid behind this trash can. Thankfully the person didn't see me and kept running forward. I sighed.  The thing is I didn't see who was chasing me. All I knew was that it was a women. I just layed there ,on the floor,I think I fell asleep.

                                           *END OF FLASHBACK*

  My flashback was interrupted by someone calling my name. "Hey Jessie" . "oh hey Eli" ."what's up". He said in a funny accent. "ha ha nothing much ,just swinging here." ."oh cool,yeah me too I like it here .Its all abandoned but who cares right?"."yeah ha ha" .We both shared a chuckle.Out of no where I said. "So what brings you here?" ."I just think that I feel free here." I thought to my self wow,we have so much in common."So what brings YOU here" He said. "ohh same reason as you,I think more when I'm here." ."oh" he smiled. "So you play guitar?" I questioned to get rid of the awkwardness because he was still smiling at me. "uh ,oh yeah this yeah I play..just a little though". "sounds cool" I tried to say all cool like."yeah,do you play anything?" he questioned out of no where,as he sat down on the swing next to me."welllll I do play a little drums. I wont call myself amazing but I'm okay"Oh that's cool"."yep"..He then looked at his clock and back at me and made his lips thin."Uh I have to go,it's getting late..I had a good time talking to you and I hope we can do it again some time.". "yeah we should " ."bye" he smiled . "bye" I replied. He then vanished into the dim light of the sun . I sighed of happiness for one,getting to talk with my crush and two,the sun died down so I can take off my hood and jacket. I really like the dark. I get to see all these stars .  Then again I really wasn't in any Rush to get home. No one was waiting for me anyway. I thought to myself and remembered that My blood pills were running low so I had to save them for a time where I was lazy . I really wasn't that lazy. As a matter of fact I was so happy. I could jump off walls and slide down a rainbow. Remember when I said I don't like to hunt. Well I was really hungry so why not?

    I quickly got into hunt mode. My hair which is curly and brown turned into black and straight. My skin which was tan turned into milky white. My eyes soon turned red and my lips were now a light red-ish color. I felt sharp objects in my mouth which were fangs. I breathed out heavily getting ready to look for my prey. The best thing that I could go for was a raccoon. I hissed and ran as fast as I could. I leaped and captured my prey. I immediately started to drain all the blood out of the creature. The blood of an animal was so much better that a pill. The problem was is that I don't like hurting anybody or thing but I had no choice. I finished my dinner and wiped my mouth. I looked around to see if anyone was looking at me. I got back into my normal self and rubbed my belly delighted and whispered to myself "you've still got it". I then walked happily all the way home.

     I finally arrived home. I took a huge breath and said out loud "all alone...again" . I said it out loud so I can feel less alone but ever since my mom disappeared its been lonelier. You're probably asking why I didn't call the police. Well I'll tell you. She was sort of creepy to begin with. When I was asleep she would come in and start to scratch my skin with a pin. I would get up and get scared but she would just pull me in for an embrace. I didn't understand why she would do something like that to me but whatever,I just let it go. But then she kept doing it and I got really scared until one day she's gone missing and I stopped caring because I really didn't want all those scratches on me anymore. I figured since she's gone I would'nt get them anymore. So that's why I didn't call . So then I got home ,took a quick shower and headed to bed thinking about Eli,and Alex, and my mom. For some reason my brain never stopped thinking,especially at night. I felt my eyes get heavy after a while so I let them take charge and fell asleep, and a good sleep it was. The greatest sleep I've had since .....forever.......

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