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"Christmas in America is considered a national holiday. Many people give and receive gifts to smbolize the gift that God gave us on that same day, a couple thousand years ago."

"What kind of gift would a god give to humans?"


"Redemption?" I raised my eyebrows at him. The story was interesting, but not something new. Usually when a god gives a gift or a blessing upon mankind, he asks for something in return.

"What would we need to be redeemed from?"

"Do you believe you are perfect?" He asked while unscrewing the lid off of his waterbottle, as he patiently waited for my response.

"No. I doubt anyone is perfect." Images of my faults flood my mind. But comparing to other people, I am not as bad as them. Would that make me perfect? Maybe more perfect... but not completely perfect.

"The Bible, God's Word, says that those who are not perfect cannot be with God. Our faults cover us like filth or polution and paints us black."

"If no one is perfect than no one can go to heaven. Unless, in order to gain favor in your god's eyes, one must sell their soul? Wouldn't that seem cruel to you?"

"The god that you are seeing is very cruel. But the God that I believe in is not. To redeem us from our sins, we needed a sacrifice. But instead of demanding one of us humans to do the job, He sent His Son to become human and be sacrificed in our place."

"He sounds like a cruel father. If he was so willing to kill his son, what would prevent him from killing us?"

"We kill ourselves, since our faults or mistakes condemned us to hell. But when God's Son became a man, he never sinned. Out of fear and hatred, we killed Him. Three days after His death, He came back to life and returned to heaven. Instead of requesting God to kill us for what we had done to Him, He instead covers us in His blood. So that when we die and go to heaven, His blood covers our filth. So God only sees His Son instead of our sins."

"Okay.....does that mean that everyone can go to heaven now?"


I heaved a heavy sigh. This is so confusing. Its just a story anyway.....

"If everything was taken care of by this god's son, then what more is there for us to do?"

"Three steps." He held up three fingers in front of me. I rolled my eyes. Here comes the fine print of regulations.

"One. Admit that we have done at least one thing in our lives that was wrong."

"Okay....I can do that."

"Two. Believe that Jesus is God's Son and that He paid the penalty of our mistakes with His life."

I nodded my head hesistantly. "Go on....."

"Three. Confess your belief in Jesus as your Savior, one who saves you from your faults,"

"The third one sounds like the second one though. What's the difference."

"The second one is to believe in your heart. The third one is to confess with your mouth."

"That sounds nice, but it would be even better if this god or any god existed in the first place."

"You don't believe in the existence of a God?" He asked innocently. His voice held no judgment or anger.

I sit back in my chair and study Tàiyáng's facial expression. His face looks serious, so he is not joking.....but what if he is serious?! Wouldn't that make him even more crazy? He doesn't act any different than most people. He is happier, But I doubt it's because of this god. What is the difference between being one who believes in this god or one who doesn't?Maybe I should just watch and see if he acts strange or any differently.

The Song of Our Hearts    { Completed }Where stories live. Discover now