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Michaela's POV.
About two days ago my Dad went on a mission with my friend Sarah, who was also Uncle Bucky's daughter. Sadly she didn't make it back. my heart is broken.

My Dad now blames himself for it all, but it wasn't his fault. My Mom has been trying to comfort him, but he isn't getting any better.

A while back when I was 13 I wanted to join the Avengers and train and learn along side my Dad, Captain Steve Rogers AKA Captain America. I asked my mom and she thought it would be wonderful, but my Dad thought that you should be at least 18 to join. Well now I'm 16. And I think I'm ready to start my training. I know that he thinkS 18, but Sarah was 13 and Henry Barton was 16 when he started, so I believe I should be able to. After Sarah's death though I'm worried he'll never be okay with me being in the Avengers.

I slowly walked into the kitchen where my Mom and Dad were making dinner. "Mom, Dad. I want to join the Avengers." I said. My Dad dropped his cup of water. It spilled all over the floor. "What!?" He asked. "Yes Dad you heard me. I want to join. I really want this. I feel like it's my purpose in life."

He stood there speechless while my mother picked up his cup and wiped up the water on the floor. "No." he said and turned around to walk out. "No?! Why?" I asked. "Because it's not safe. Your not ready." He answered. "How do you know if you haven't given me a chance? Dad I can't just sit around everyday with the incredible things I can do and just watch the news and always be thinking I could have helped that person. I can't Dad! I have to do this! Please. Train me. Let us work together. I've always dreamed of that. Please." I begged.

He paused and looked at the ground and then over to my Mom. "I'm sorry Kala, no. I can't risk anything happening to you. You need to be able to live a normal carefree life without any risk of danger." He explained. "But there's always risks of danger. Like when you cross the street or drive a car or even when your plugging in a lamp."

"Yes, but it's not the same. These people we fight against they'll use you and they will trick you. Not because they have to, but just for fun. This isn't like playing super hero, Kala. This is being a superhero." "But Dad..." "No you can't and I refuse to train you. I'll alert all of the Avengers as well." "Dad that's not fare!" He walked out.

I began to cry. My Mom came over quickly. "Oh sweetheart, your father is just wanting to keep you safe. He thinks he can't protect anyone anymore. He feels like everything and everyone he loves is always taken from him if they're involved in what he's involved in." "I know. I just wish he could understand." I walked into my bed room and cried.

I was so angry. It wasn't fare. I really needed to do this! I picked up a pillow and ripped it in half easily. Yes. I had my fathers powers. All of them. I was one of the lucky kids. Or at this point I would say unlucky. Since I can't even use them.

Peggy's POV.

After Steve left Michaela began to cry. I went over to her quickly. "Oh sweetheart, your father is just wanting to keep you safe. He thinks he can't protect anyone anymore. He feels like everything and everyone he loves is always taken from him if they're involved in what he's involved in." "I know. I just wish he could understand." Kala answered. Then she went to her room. I sighed.

I walked into the living room where Steve was sitting. I walked up to him with my arms crossed. "Steve." He turned his head. I sat down next to him. "Steve! Steve look at me." I said and turned his head. He looked down. I sighed.

"Steve, Michaela needs to be able to follow her dreams just like we did." "Yeah and look what happened to us. I was frozen for 70 years while you mourned, went off and got married, then died." "What?" I asked. What was he talking about? We both were frozen. Wait. Married. Died. Oh he's talking about the old time line. Poor dear. I wish he could forget it. "Darling that didn't happen remember?" I asked.

"Right." He said shaking his head. "But we still both got frozen. And we both lost our homes, family, and friends." "No we didn't. We have all of our friends and family now right here." "I know, but we lost everything we knew. And all because we followed our dreams." "Steve, that's not the only reason why you don't want her join is it?" I asked knowingly.

He sighed. "I just want her to be happy. And live a normal safe life, with a normal safe family of her own. Not having to worry about identity, not having to wonder everyday if this is the last time you'll ever see your family, not having to always worry and wonder who your putting in danger everyday just by speaking to them. It's a hard, lonely life to live and I don't want her to have to live it."

"Steve you and I did fine. And all the other Avengers did fine. Is this about Sarah?" "No! This is not about...her." He said finally calming down at the end. "I just know that she needs a better life." "Steve, you can tell me." I said comforting him. He sighed very heavily and laid his head on my shoulder. I stroked his hair softly.

He shook his head. "All I want to do is protect her. And....I...I can't...if she's on mission with me. I just can't. The only way I can protect her now is by knowing she's safe. If she came with me and trained I would get distracted by her, trying to keep her out of harm, and fail the mission. If I kept my focus on the mission I know that someday something will go wrong and I will put her in danger. I can't...I can't let that happen."

I looked at Steve and kissed his cheek. "I know." He smiled slightly. "Peggy, Sarah was used to hurt me. And Red Scull...he's still out there. ....If Michaela took Sarah's place and trained with me, then would go on a mission with me or any of the others. Loki would know who she was and tell Red Scull. And Red Scull he would use her to make me weak and even use her to destroy me. And he would kill her. My daughter. My life. I can't loose her the way I lost Sarah it would kill me." Steve said with sorrow.

I nodded. "I know. I understand. And I know I can't talk you out of what you believe needs to be done. But please understand Steve, none of this was your fault." "I've gotta go. I need to turn in my report to the Avengers." "Alright." I answered. He got up and left.

Journey to The Avengers (Sequel to I Want You Here)Where stories live. Discover now