Home Sweet Home.

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Michaela's POV.

I was on a plane on my way home to New York.
I had finally graduated from college. It has been 4 years since I left for college and began a new dream. My dream now was to become a photographer. I actually was going to take a job interview this week after I got settled in at my new apartment. I first had to swing by my parents house to pick up a few things

The plane finally finally landed. I walked through the terminal and walked out to the waiting area. I looked around and saw my mom. I felt confused, but ran to her. We embraced. "Oh! Hello darling." She spoke sweetly with her thick, gentle British accent. "Hello mom." I greeted. "I've missed you." She said holding me. "I've missed you to." I whispered and smiled, hugging her tightly. We let go. And smiled.

She picked up one of my bags. I became worried. "Mom! You shouldn't do that!" I told her. "Why?" She asked. "Because your not as young as you used to be and..." And I should've known. You never tell agent Carter that she can't do something.

"Listen Here young lady. I may not be 25 anymore, actually I'm way past that, but that's not the point. The point is...you don't tell me that just because I've added a few more years to my life, that I can't pick up an ordinary suitcase! Remember this is Agent Carter your speaking to. I helped take down HYDRA, Loki, Ultron. The list goes on." I nodded. "Yes ma'am." I said. "So I never want to her those words out of you mouth again. Unless I tell you I'm feeling old. Understood." She snapped.

Right then I tried to imagine her on the front lines. Giving soldiers orders. She made an amazing army agent I'm sure.

Suddenly I saw a hand wave in front of my face. "Kala? Do you understand?" My mother snapped. "Yes ma'am. I do." I said. Her face softened. "Good. You know you and your father are very much alike." She laughed. "Really I never noticed." I joked. "Yes, you are. I've had to set him straight a few times before." She laughed.

We began to walk out of the airport. "Hey Mom? By the way, where is Dad? I would have thought he would have been here." I asked. Her faced saddened. "I know, and he wanted to be, but something important came up at with the Avengers and he had to be there." I nodded. "I understand. He's Captain America. He can't just take a break from saving the world. It's fine." I said smiling. She kissed my cheek. "I love you. Now let's get you home." I laughed. "Okay."

Later Mom and I were at home making dinner, laughing and talking when we heard the door open. We both froze. With my sensitive hearing I hear keys being laid down and I slight thud, like something heaving being laid against the wall. I turned to Mom. She shrugged and motioned for me to go check.

I walked slowly out of the kitchen. When I got to the door way to the living room I saw the back of a man in a blue suit with a silver star on the back. I smiled softly. It was Dad. He was turned around towards the fire place talking on the phone.

"Yeah Tony, can't wait to see what Bryce's  knew armor can do. Hopefully it won't glitch this time. I know, I know he's a Stark 5th times the charm. You know Tony..." He began to laughed, dropping his head and shaking it. I took a slight step forward. "Daddy?" He froze and his head popped back up."I-I'm gonna have to call you back." He cut off the conversation and brought the phone down from his ear.

He then turned his head toward me enough to see me standing there. He looked surprised. He then turned fully around and faced me. He didn't speak. He just stood staring. "Hi Daddy. I'm back." I said softly. I hadn't really seen him at all. Every time I would come home usually he'd be off fighting a battle somewhere. He looked at me lovingly.

"Dad? You okay?" I asked

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"Dad? You okay?" I asked. He finally smiled. "Yes I'm fine. Your back!" He exclaimed. He came over and hugged me. "I missed you sweetie." I hugged him tightly. "I missed you to Dad." We let go of our embrace. "How are you?" "Great. I'm doing just like you told me. I've got a new dream now." He smiled. "Good. I knew you'd be happier. You want to be a photographer right?" He asked. "Yeah. How did you-" "Your mother told me. I think it's wonderful." He said. "Well thank you. Hey Mom's in the kitchen we're making dinner. C'mon!" I said.

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