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Michaela's POV.

It's been 2 years since Sarah died. It's also been two years since the Avengers began allowing teens into training. Of course my father said no to me. So for the past 2 years I've visited the Avengers building to see my friends and then would go home and do homework. For 2 years I've acted normal and hid my powers like my parents told me just to go have a normal life. For 2 years I've sat on the sidelines watching my friends grow and train to become future Avengers. But now I'm done waiting. You see I'm graduating today and I turned 18 three months ago. Now I can decide on my own what I want to do with my life.

As I was sitting listening to the speaker I thought about this, but was pulled away from it by the Principal calling everyone up one by one to give us our diploma. Finally my name was called. It took a while since I'm all the way down in the R section. I walked up and got my diploma. Then walked back down.

In a while the S section was called and the the name Stark was called. A young boy walked up on stage and was handed a diploma. He had blond hair and brown eyes. He was also my best guy friend. His name was Bryson, but I called him Bryce for short.

Later we all stood up and moved our tassels from one side to the other. Then we threw our hats in the air. I look up into the audience and saw my Mom and Dad. They were crying. I then realized, I was crying too. I hugged a kid I didn't know and celebrated just like everyone else.

Suddenly I felt someone hug me from behind. I jumped and turned around. It was Bryce. I began to cry again he hugged me tightly. "Hey it's okay." He soothed. "I know I'm not sad I'm happy." "Oh. Girls cry for weird reasons." I laughed. Then we hugged and he spun me around.

Later I went to see my family. I ran to them both and hugged them. "Oh sweetheart, we're so proud of you!" My mother said. I hugged my Dad. "I couldn't be prouder. I love you so much." He said. "I love you to Daddy." I said tearing up. "Hey you shouldn't be crying. This is a wonderful day! Go celebrate with your friends. Go on!" He said happily. I laughed and dried my tears.

I looked around and saw Bryce with his family. I walked over and then saw Teresa my other best friend. I quickly went to her and hugged her. She still had one more year of high school left so she hadn't graduated. "Hey!" "Hey congrats! So aren't you excited! After this you can join!" She squealed. "Shhhh." I hushed her. "I know I really am, but I don't want anyone to know yet. I don't want it to leak out to my Dad. I think I should be the one to tell him."

"I understand. The great part is about this though, is now we can work in the same place together!" "I know, but technically I'll be out in the field while you stay and play with you tech." I giggled. "Yeah that's true, but we'll still see each other a lot!" "Yeah! Well I better go say hi to some friends. I'll see you later!" "Okay see you later!" She said. Then I left.

Later that night I over heard my parents talking about college. "Well, I think she should go to West Virginia." My Mom said. "Well what about Miami?" My Dad answered. I walked in. "Mom, Dad I've made a decision." "What decision dear?" My mother asked. "I've decided not to go to college." "Not go to college!? What why?" Dad asked.

"Because I'm 18 now and...well...Father I want to join the Avengers." I said. "No. Definitely no." He answered. "This time you can't say no, Dad. I'm an adult. "As the Captain of the team I forbid it." "What!? That's not fair!" I said in outrage. "Yes it is. I won't have you throw your life away. This is a great opportunity you have. I didn't have it. Now your going to college and that's final!" Dad ordered. "Fine! But let me tell you...If your doing this because your scared of loosing me...then...then you're no better than the doctors who 4F'd you before you were in the war!" I yelled and went to my room.

A few months later I packed my suitcases and was driven to the airport by my parents. I decided to go to college in Arkansas. I wasn't too excited, but it was what I had to do. I hugged my parents and said goodbye. Then got on the plane. And right then was when I left all my dreams.

 And right then was when I left all my dreams

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Journey to The Avengers (Sequel to I Want You Here)Where stories live. Discover now