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Machehala's POV.

It's been a week since I told my father that I was joining the Avengers. He hasn't talked to me ever since. I was walking down the hallway to Bryce's lab and saw Dad. He was in his Captain America suit. I took up enough courage to say something.

"Hi Dad." He nodded sternly. "Michaela." He passed by. I saddened. "Dad." I said turning around toward him. He stopped and crossed his arms saying nothing. I began to talk to his back. "Dad. Please...stop this. I love you, you know that, but I can't just stop living my own life because you say not to." He stood silently. I sighed. "Please! This silent treatment is killing me!" He still stood silent. "Look. Dad, if it will fix things between us....I'll resign from the Avengers and...never use my abilities again. Just...please...I-I just want to be your daughter again." I said now in tears.

He turned around slowly. I looked at the ground and began crying. I heard his footsteps getting closer. "Why would you ever think that just because you did something I didn't agree with that you wouldn't be my daughter anymore." He said. That was the first sentence in a week that he had spoken to me. He put his thumb under my chin and raised my chin up. He looked in my eyes sternly. "I love you more than my life and you will always...always be my little girl." I smiled and sniffled. He sighed. "Come here." We hugged tightly.

He swayed back and forth. Then he sighed heavily. "I'm sorry Kala. I never wanted to hurt you. It's just...your my little girl. And....after what hap-" I looked up. "Happened to Sarah." I said finishing his sentence. He paused sighing. "Dad I understand. I understand completely, but I'm not Sarah. I'm your daughter Michaela. I am Captain America's daughter!" He slightly laughed. He smiled. "You and mom taught me to be strong. You taught me how to stand up for what I believe in. And...I want to do that now. Daddy you can't always shelter me from everything. I love you, but I have to grow up and do what I need to do."

He nodded. "I know. You know your just like your mother." I laughed. "Some people, including mom would say I'm more like you." He smiled. "Okay. I understand. I know you have to do this. If your as stubborn as I am...I know there's no way to talk you out of it. careful and...please don't ask me to take you on a mission with me." I sighed.

"Dad. Sarah's death was not your fault. It was an accident. "You know it was. I got detracted. I should have been able to save her. When I saw that Red Scull was alive I went in with anger and a thousand other emotions. I mentally wasn't ready for a fight." I nodded. "Maybe, but Sarah knew what she was doing. And apparently she believed that her life was meant for battling evil or she wouldn't have been so brave and set in her ways....Dad I want to serve with Captain America. It's been my dream to serve with you."

He nodded. "Okay. You can." My mouth dropped. "What! Really?!" "Yes." I jumped up and down. "Thank you! I love you!" He laughed. "Okay, okay. I love you to and your welcome. Now why don't you go and see Bryce I know you want to see Bryce tell him the good news."

I froze. "What? Why would I want to tell Bryce? I may just want to go tell Teresa." He raised his eyebrow. "Honey, I know how you looked at him and how he looked  at you the day you came in with your suit on. It's how your mother and I looked at each other the first time we actually realized our feelings." I hesitated. " we-" I sighed. "Fine maybe I like him a little." He groaned. "It would have to be Tony's son wouldn't it? Looks like I'll have to be extra protective." "Oh Dad! Look I've gotta go. I love you!" "Love you. Tell Bryce hi." He shouted. I was so happy. Everything was going to be alright.

Journey to The Avengers (Sequel to I Want You Here)Where stories live. Discover now