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Michaela's POV.

It's been about 2 years since I left New York and came to Arkansas to go to college. I love it here, but I miss home a lot. It's been hard trying to hide my abilities, but it's been going okay so far. Except for the one time my friend Philip and I were at the gym. He and I were walking and he tripped over a weight on the floor. Without thinking I picked it up easily and put it on the rack. He sat on the floor with wide eyes. He asked a lot of questions. I finally just told him that I had been working out. Luckily he believed me since it was a smaller weight.

I was sitting in my dorm room studying when there was a nock at the door. "Come in!" I yelled. The door opened and I turned around.

"Teresa!" I shouted. I hugged my best friend tightly. "What are you doing here?" I asked. "I came to visit. I'm not in college remember?" I laughed. "Right I know." "Oh my gosh! Look at you! You look so grown up!" Teresa exclaimed. I smiled. "Thanks you look different as well." I said. She smiled.

"So how's everyone? How are you?" I asked

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"So how's everyone? How are you?" I asked. "Everyone's good. I'm good. We do miss you though. So after you get out of college your joining the team right?" She asked.

I was speechless. "Well....I don't think I will." "Why!? That's always been your dream!" "I know, but now I have a new dream. To become a interior decorator." "What? How could you just give up your dream like that?" "Well, I'm doing pretty well at hiding my abilities and I finally feel normal. I also....I think my Dad may have been right. It's too dangerous for me to do that. I mean, I want a family, and a carrier. Not a life of running and watching my back all the time."

"Oh. Well I think you would have been amazing at it. You used to be so brave and spunky. I guess people change though." She said disappointedly. "Yeah I guess so."

"Well I'm gonna go back to my hotel. Oh hey you wanna go to dinner tonight?" She asked. "Of course! I'd love to!" I answered. "Okay I'll see you tonight! How about Apple Bees?" "Yeah that's sounds awesome! I'll see you then. Bye." "Okay bye!" The door closed.

I sat down and turned on my little tv. The news channel came on. "The evil villain Red Scull has brought an army and is attacking innocent citizens in New York! We can only hope that the Avengers are seeing this." The woman said.

Then a minute later I got a phone call. "Hello?" "Hey Kala! Um I'm going to have to cancel dinner tonight. I kinda have to get back home as soon as possible. Something's come up." "You mean Red Scull and his army's come up? I know I saw it on the news just now." I said. "Oh you know, okay. Well thanks for not being upset. I'll visit some other time. Right now the team needs me. Anyway, Bye!" She said. I smiled. "I know they do. Bye." And I hung up.

The next day I turned on the news and they were reporting about the Avengers. "We're in time square and at this moment the Avengers and junior Avengers are fighting Red Scull and his army. Captain America has confronted Red Scull and are in a very personal battle. I just hope they can save our city." I looked down.

Then I went over to the window and looked out

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Then I went over to the window and looked out. "Be careful Daddy." I whispered.

There I was just sitting in my dorm, while all my friends and family were out there risking their life for a city. I couldn't help, but feel like it was my fault, they were having so much trouble defeating him. I have these amazing abilities and I'm not even trying to help anyone.

Dad said I needed to be safe and live a normal life, but using my powers is normal to me. No. I have to stay focused. I have a great life and a great new dream. Now I can have a family without worrying about if I'm coming home or not. I'm really lucky.

I turned around, went over to the tv and turned it off. "Good luck guys." I said. Then I left for the library.

Journey to The Avengers (Sequel to I Want You Here)Where stories live. Discover now