The Decision

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Steve's POV.
I left Peggy after talking with her and rode over on my motorcycle over to the Avengers building. On my way I couldn't stop thinking about Michaela. I knew she would ask one day, but I didn't expect it so soon. And now after Sarah's death it makes it even harder. Now I can't even think of saying yes.

I made it to the Avengers building and took my report to the file room. It was a office with only filing cabinets. It was for all of our mission reports, clues or info on whoever or whatever we needed. I opened the file cabinet reading reports. I found the Captain America file and placed my report inside.

I heard someone clearing their throat so I turned around, closing the file. "Oh, hey Tony." "Hey Cap. You okay? I heard about what happened. It's not your fault." Tony said. "Did Bucky tell you what happened?" "Yeah, as well as he could at least." "Then you know it was. I never should have let her come she wasn't ready. She was 15 for crying out loud! She shouldn't have been training! She should have been hanging out with other kids, going to movies, being a kid. Not a hero."

"I know that you think that, but it's not bad to train these kids. They aren't normal. They need us. They need to be able to learn how to use their abilities, to control them. I may not have powers, but I know that because of my Dad in encouraging me, even when he couldn't spend time with me, it made me a much better person and much more capable." Tony said.

I smiled. I remembered how Tony used to be before I went back in time. He would never have said those words about his Dad. I'm so glad he can now.

"I know. It did make you a better person, but it's one thing to encourage, but it's another to put someone so young, and who doesn't know anything about life yet in that sort of danger." "Okay look at Peter. He was 16 when he got powers. He didn't have any training and he did just fine." Tony said. "He should have been trained." "Exactly. We need to be able to teach these kids even if we don't let them on missions. We still need to help them."

I sighed. "Tell the others to meet me in the training room I want to talk to all of you." I said. "Got it." He left.

Later we all met in the training room. "Thank you guys comin' down here. I've called everyone together because we need to make a decision. I know some of you have had your children ask you the question, if they can begin training and join the Avengers." They all nodded.

"Most of us have said no because of them being adolescents. I made the decision on my own without consulting anyone, that no adolescents could join. Some of you, disagreeing with me, let your kid join. Some did not." They all looked a bit annoyed.

"It was wrong of me to make that important decision on my own. And it was also hypocritical of me to train....Sarah Barns." I paused. Everyone looked down and frowned. I took a deep breath. "So now we will officially take a vote." Natasha was now smiling.

"Everyone who believes we should let...young adolescents join the Avengers, but not go on missions until the age of 18. Raise your hand." 6 hands were raised. Those hands belonged to Natasha, Clint, Tony, Thor, Rodey, Peter Parker, and Wanda.

"And now whoever believes only anyone past 18 can be trained to be apart of the team. Raise your hands." Only 3 raised their hands Scot, Bucky and Sam. I sighed knowing I was defeated. "Okay. From now on if aloud by their parents, adolescents can join the Avengers and train until 18 then they can go in missions."

I exited the room and sighed heavily. Even if the other let there kids join I will not let Michaela. I can't risk it.

Journey to The Avengers (Sequel to I Want You Here)Where stories live. Discover now