Caught In The Middle

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Steve's POV.

It's been a week since Kala came home. A few days ago she moved into an apartment and today was taking a job interview. I really hoped she'd get it. As I walked into the Avengers building I looked around and see everyone. In Starks lab he and his son Bryce were working together on a new suit. As I walked down the hall further I saw Natasha and Rosa in the gym sparing. I walked down to the living area/kitchen and found Tammy and Ben Parker eating lunch while Thor's son Jayson is watching tv.

I finally reached my office. I opened the door and sat down. Seeing all the other kids here I began to wonder what it would have been like to have Kala here. I quickly shook that thought away. 'It would be too dangerous. You can't protect her remember? This is the only way.' I thought to myself.

Suddenly the alarm went off. A mission alert. I ran to the meeting room and everyone was there. "Fury what is it?" I asked. "It seems Red Scull has attacked the pentagon with his alien army." "Okay Avengers...assemble." I said. We all ran and got dressed in our uniforms while the young Avengers stayed put. Afterwards we met out back at the Quinjet. And headed for the pentagon.

Bryson Starks POV.

I watched as the Quinjet took off and as my Dad got in his suit and took off following.
I turned around and went back inside. I began to keep working on my suit an hour later it was completed. I was thrilled and very hopeful that it would work. I was pretty sure it would. I am a Stark you know.

I tried it on and went into the training room. My suit was blue and silver and looked very similar to my Dad's. "Friday, fire it up." I ordered. "Yes sir." The computer answered. I began to hear the rockets come on and felt myself being lifted quickly off the ground. I got my balance and flew around the gym. "This is so awesome! It works!!!" I screamed. I was thrilled.

This was the first actual Iron man suit,  I had made myself that  actually worked! The other ones my Dad had made. This one was mine. As I was a flying around another alarm went off. "Oh no." I said out loud. I turned my suit off and landed. I took it off and ran to the meeting room.

"Fury what's up?" I asked. "Loki. He's in New York and he's holding a whole building of news paper men and women hostage at the Daily Bugle. You all have to get down there right away." Fury ordered. I quickly called Captain Rogers and told him the situation. He told me to have the group go and fight him. I agreed.

"Everyone let's suit up!" I ordered.mWe all went and got suited up. All of us including: Me, Tammy, Ben, Jay, Robert Barton. Leah Wilson would have been there, but she had broken her ankle. Teresa, my sister stayed behind to coach us from the computer.

When we got there we walked into the building and confronted Loki. "The Avengers couldn't make it so they sent me stand in's instead. That's almost insulting. To think even for a moment that I could be beaten by you all." Loki said. "We don't think, we know. Now!" I yelled.

Just then Robert shot an arrow at Loki hitting him in the arm. Loki screamed in pain. I flew up in the air and shouted to all the hostages. "Run! Get out of here!" The people began to scatter and most got out of the building until Loki's soldiers stopped them. I flew higher and blasted Loki with my pulsed reactors. He fell back onto the ground and sat up.

Rosa did to flips off the ground and kicked his head. But before she was able to Loki caught her foot and yanked her down. Sending her onto her back. She groaned in pain. Loki aimed his scepter at me.

Suddenly a string of webbing from the hanging bannisters came down and grabbed Loki's new scepter. Then a person in a red suit swung down and landed on the ground. "Good job spider girl!" I said. She nodded. "Thanks." I smiled. Tammy Parker was spider girl. She got most of her looks and her personality from her dad.

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