Welcome to the Avengers.

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Bryson's POV.

I hated to talk to Kala like that, but it had to be said. I'm just glad she actually listened. As I thought about our conversation I next to Kala in the Quinjet. I turned to look at her. She seemed nervous.

I reached over and put my hand on her hand. She looked up and slightly smiled. "It's okay, Kala. Why are you so nervous?" I asked. She raised her eyebrows hesitantly. "I...I don't know. I just-I'm just worried how my Dad is going to take this." She looked down.

"I mean, it crushed him when Sarah died. And he blamed himself for her death. And now that I'm older I understand that the reason why he didn't want me to embrace my abilities was because...he didn't want to loose me." She said. She looked back at me. "And now I'm just going to waltz up to him and tell him I don't care about his feelings. I can't do that. I love my Father to much to put him through that." She shook her head.

I nodded understandingly. "So your just going to hide your true self forever, and forget everything you ever wanted?" "No! Yes? I don't know. All I know is I can't hurt him like that." I said. "Well...maybe you could try using a secret identity." I said. "You really think he would buy it? Someone with the same abilities as him." "Well...it's worth a try. And hey, there could have been other super solders." "I guess I could try it." I smiled. "Good. Because I think you'd make a great addition to the team." She smiled gently.
One month later*************

Kala's POV.

I was in Tony Stark and Bryson's lab. He was working on a suit for me. I smiled to myself watching him work. He definitely got his passion for science from his dad. It was night and no one, but us were in the building. I had to tell the team I wasn't going to join. I told them so I could keep my identity a secret. That way my dad would have no way of finding out.

Suddenly Bryce turned to me and smiled. "Okay I think it's ready." He said. He turned around and picked up a round, red, blue and, silver shield. It was slightly smaller than my fathers, but it fit me just right.

I took it from him and held it proudly. Bryce took off his glasses and looked at me. "How dose it look?" I asked. He smirked. "Awesome. I am a Stark you know. I can't do anything without it being awesome." I laughed.

He also got his cockiness from his father

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He also got his cockiness from his father.  "Yeah, whatever you say." "You wanna put on the suit?" He asked. I nodded. "Yeah. I do."

Thirty minutes later********
I walked out in the full suit. I stood in front "of Bryce. His mouth hung open. "So what do you think?" I asked. "You look...." I raised my eyebrows. "Uh...you look... Awesome! Like you could go out there and take down some bad guys!" He said. I laughed. "Thanks."

So when are you going to 'show up' here?" He asked. "Probably tomorrow. I'll tell my parents I'm going to work and he won't suspect a thing." I answered. "Okay sounds like a plan." He said and began to turn around.

Journey to The Avengers (Sequel to I Want You Here)Where stories live. Discover now