The Captain's Daughter

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Michaela's POV.

After Ben left, Bryce looked back at me. "Wow."  He said. "Yeah. Wow." I answered speechlessly.

"So what now?" He asked. "What do you mean?" "Well... you just defeated Loki. Like, the Loki of Asgard. Your not just gonna go back to your normal boring life now are you?" He asked. I laughed sarcastically and shook my head. "Bryson. The only reason I did this was because you guys were in trouble. That's all. Now if you don't mind I'd like to go back to being the normal Michaela soon to be photographers and the daughter of Steve Rogers and Peggy Carter."

I handed Bryce, Jay's shield and began to walk away. "Your not normal." He said. "I stopped dead in my tracks. "What?" I asked sharply, not turning around. "Your not normal, Michaela." He said with strength. I turned around and glared at him angrily. 'How dare he say that!' I thought. "I'm not?" I asked angrily. "No. your not....and you never will be."

I was taken aback. I looked up, breathed a sarcastic, angry laugh and rolled my eyes. Then looked back at him. I shook my head. "You don't life, Bryson. No one does." I answered. "Really? Then why do you let your father tell you exactly how to live your life? I mean it's one thing to take his advice, but it's another to let him run your life for you." He said.

"What do you mean? My Dad does not run my life. I made the decision not to join the Avengers." I shouted. "Yes you did, but that was after he had forbidden you from joining the Avengers twice, and after you had already gone to college."

"Which was my decision. I could have said no." I insisted. "No you couldn't. You can never say no to you Dad. That's your problem. Every time you've had something you've wanted to do and your Dad has told you no, even now in your adult years..., you can't say 'Dad I'm an adult. I can decide my own path.' Instead you say 'yes Daddy.' Like a good little girl. And it's destroying you!" He lectured.

I was infuriated. "How dare you! You have no idea how hard it was for me to let go of my dream of becoming an Avenger. I suffered. I would hear everyday, about something you guys had done and everyday I would wish that I was out there with you. And when I finally get to a point that I can move on with my life, I get caught in the middle of this. And have no choice, but to help. You guys would have died! I couldn't just let that happen!" I yelled now crying.

"Exactly! You let go of your dream. Why? Because your Dad said so. You were an adult, though Kala. You could have stood up and said no, but you didn't. You gave in. And now, you finally have a chance to live your life's dream and your going to let fear and pride get in your way. Truthfully I would expect more from the daughter of Captain America." He spoke fiercely. And what he was saying hurt.

"Why? Captain America is the one who said not to join. He said I would loose my freedom, my ability to have a normal happy family one day, and my safety. So why would you think his daughter should think any differently?" I asked.

"First of all you will never have a normal family. Your not normal. Even if you try to fit in, you will never be normal. You will still have your powers and you kids could have the same powers. And they won't be normal either. If you would join the Avengers, at least you would have a place where you could feel normal. But out in the world, your alone." He paused.

I thought about what he was saying. He was right. I would never be normal. I would always be hiding. Normal people don't hide.

He continued. "And secondly, the only reason Captain Rogers doesn't want you to join is because he's afraid of losing you. Before he had you he had no weakness. Except for maybe Peggy, but now that your in his life, he thinks he can't protect you. You, being Captain America's daughter, need to stand up for what you believe in. Like he did and always has. You may disagree on this, but you both at least would be fighting for what you believe in. Instead of just one person do so." He paused.

I thought about what he said. He was right. I haven't stood up for what I believe was right. He walked toward me. He came close to me.

"Kala, we have been friends all our life. I know you. Your strong, courageous, smart,.." he continued. I began to look into his eyes. They were so pretty. "Funny, talented, beautiful and..." we began to lean in.

Then I realized what was happening. I pulled away. We both coughed uncomfortably. "Well... that was uh,.." I said. "I, uh..." he began.

He shook his head. "What I was trying to say was that...I-I know you and your not this. Your not what you've been acting like for the past 4 years. And...we all want you back." I smiled. Then sighed. I looked around the office we were standing in and remembered what just went down. I nodded. "Okay. I'll do it. I'll join." He smiled widely. "Okay. C'mon they're waiting." He said. I nodded. We got in the Quinjet and headed to the Avengers Building.

Journey to The Avengers (Sequel to I Want You Here)Where stories live. Discover now