American Dream.

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Authors note: this will be the last chapter of the book. We've decided that this is the best time to end it since I am doing another project and since we both have writers block. It wouldn't be fair to our readers to creat anymore chapters until we actually have good ideas. We don't want to be sloppy. Thanks for reading and keep a look out for updates. We may start it up again eventually. 😘😘😘😘

Michaela's POV.

It had been about 2 months since me and Dad made up. I have been training hard and am finally going on a mission with my Dad. I go into my room and suit up. I finally am ready so I grab my new shield and head out. I go out to the quinjet and see my dad. I automatically feel proud of him. Captain America is my father. I feel so blessed.

I walked over to him

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I walked over to him. He smiled at me. "Hey." "Hey Dad." I answered. "You ready?" "Been ready my whole life." I answered. "Okay, but remember stay focused and don't get distracted. And honey, there may be a time where I can't help you out. So please be careful and stay calm no matter what. And if you do need me let me know." "Okay Dad." I answered we hugged. "I love you honey." He said. "I love you too Dad." We released our hug and went inside the quinjet.

When we got to place where the attack was occurring we ran out side. "We may have to call in the team!" Dad called to me. "Yeah this is big." I answered. Just then we saw a soldier walk up and shoot at us. Dad threw his shield at him nocking him out. We walked over and looked down at home. My Dad froze. "What? What is it?" I asked. "The symbol on his suit." "Yeah, what about it?" I asked. "It's the symbol of Hydra. Red Scull's here." He mumbled the last part. "Dad?" I asked slightly worried not for me, but for him.

He looked up alarmed. "You gotta get outta here, now!" He ordered urgently. "What?! Dad I'm not leaving!" I told him. "Michaela! I'm not giving you a choice this is an order." He said sternly. "You can't give me orders." "Yes I can! I'm the captain of this team. And I'm your father." He said. "Yes and I'm an adult. And I say I'm staying. Dad, I've been trained. I know what to do." I told him. "Your so stubborn. Just like your mom. Okay fine. I'm gonna go find Schmidt. You stay here and fight off his soldiers. Get any civilians to safety." He ordered. "Got it!" I answered. He ran off to find Red Scull.

Later after fighting off some Hydra soldiers I heard a cry come from behind me. I looked back to see a kid stuck under some rubble. I raced over and picked the rubble off of him. I picked him up and carried him to safety. "Thank you." His mother said I smiled. "Who are you?" She asked. I decided to use my code name. "I'm American Dream." I answered. "Thank you so much American Dream." She answered. "Just doing my job." I answered and ran off.

I suddenly got a call in my ear-com from my dad. "Michaela! I found Schmidt! Stay away! I repeat stay awa-" he was cut off with a grunt. "Dad!" I shouted. "Michae- don't- up - Scull's- danger-If-happens- remember-I love you." He said. It's hard to understand through all the static, but I understand the last part perfectly. He thinks he's going to die! I quickly track him and find that he's on the the top floor of the old abandoned Stark Tower or Avengers Tower. 'I know he told me to stay here, but I have to help him.' I thought.

I ran to Stark Tower and ran up the stairs. When I reached the top I saw Dad battling Red Scull. I looked over by the wall and saw two Hydra soldiers knocked out or dead. Then I looked back at the two. Dad was without his shield and fighting Red Scull in hand to hand combat. My Dad was doing great until he lost his footing and fell down. Red Scull kicked him the head and took a pistol and aimed it at him. I gasped. "Dad, no!" I yelled.

I ran up to Red Scull jumped into the air with my shield raised and tamed it onto his head. He staggered backwards and fell to the ground. The gun fell out of his hand onto the floor. I picked it up and put it in my belt. I looked down at my Dad whose eyes were wide. I looked over to see Dad's shield on the floor by the bar. I picked up. I offered my hand and helped him up, then gave him his shield.

"You okay?" I asked. "Yeah. Didn't I specifically tell you to stay away?!" He exclaimed. "Yes, but I wasn't going to let you get yourself killed!" I told him. Suddenly Dads eyes widened. "Look out!" He yelled.

He jumped in front of me and put his shield up. Red Scull had gotten a hold of one of his dead soldiers energy guns and fired it at Dads shield. I quickly threw my smaller shield at Schmidt and he'll fell backwards. "Good job." Dad said. "Thanks." I answered.

Red Scull got up slowly. "So, this is Captain America's only child his beautiful daughter! She has your stubbornness and your abilities." He said complimenting me while also insulting me. "Yes, she does." Dad answered. "Too bad." "What do you mean?" I asked. "It's too bad your life has to be cut so short and in front of your father to."

He quickly shot at me with his blew energy weapon. I blocked it with my shield. He then ran toward me and tried to punch me in the face. Before he could do so, Dad kicked him in his gut and hit him with his shield. I then hit Red Scull across the jaw and kicked him again in the stomach. He went down.

Dad began punching him over and over. I stood confused at what he was doing but then realized. "Dad!" I yelled. I grabbed his arm and tried to stop him. "You won't ever hurt anyone again! I won't let you!" He shouted at Red Scull. "Dad stop! This won't change anything!" I shouted.

He was about to punch him again, but stopped. He was breathing heavily. "Your right. I'm sorry. I don't know what I was doing." He said and got up. Red Scull laid on the floor beat to a pulp. "It's okay Dad. It's okay." I said. He pulled me into a hug. "I was so worried I would loose you." "It's okay I'm here. It's over Dad. You got him." I soothed. He nodded. We let go of our embrace.

He went over to Red Scull and picked him up by his shoulder. "Come on. You aren't going to hurt anyone ever again." He said. I smiled. It was over. Later the other Avengers came and took down the other soldiers. Hydra was finally gone for good. And I was finally an Avenger.

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