Chapter 4 (KYLE)

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"I don't know what to do anymore." Kyle said to Jeff Ry.

Jeff Ry and Kyle are outside buying fish balls and then they made their way back to the waiting area to sit.

"I told you that you should've asked her right away." Jeff Ry said.

"You were right." Kyle said.

They became silent until Maica came to where Kyle is sitting on.

"Hey." Maica greeted Kyle.

Kyle didn't answer.

"I'll make it up to you, I swear. I can give you money!" Maica said.

"I don't need those useless paper." Kyle snapped and he stood up along with Jeff Ry and left but Maica grabbed Kyle's arm.

"Please, I'm sorry." Maica begged.

Maica was about to kneel in front of Kyle but Kyle felt way to embarrassed to be seen like that.

"Okay fine," Kyle sighed and turned to face Maica. "and don't kneel in front of me, it's embarrassing!"

"Sure," Maica smiled as she stood up and she offered her hand for a handshake. "Friends?"

"Friends." Kyle accepted her handshake and their hands touched.

Kyle felt something so different when he touched her hand. Her hand was cold but it was what he needed. After letting go of Maica's hand, Kyle's hand felt so comfortably warm.

Maica walked away but she turned back to wave goodbye to Kyle and he waves back to say goodbye.

"Yuy!" Jeff Ry nudged Kyle while laughing.

"Stop it!" Kyle exclaimed and he thought of it again. Seeing Maica smile made him go back to the day to realize her beauty as far as of Aphrodite's.

"At least you guys are friends now hahahaha!" Jeff Ry said.

"Even if we are, she might still avoid me." Kyle sighed.

"Don't be such a negative Kyle. How'd you say that she's still gonna avoid you?" Jeff Ry asked.

"It's because she decided to never get involved with guys." Kyle explained.

"Okay then, if she talks to you on Monday, you owe me P50!" Jeff Ry said.

"And if she doesn't talk to me?" Kyle asked.

"Then I owe you P50, deal?"


"Shit, look at the time! I've got to go. Bye Kyle!" Jeff Ry said and left.

Looks like it's time for me to go home too. Kyle said in his mind.

Kyle went home with his Giant and when he arrived, it was a miracle that someone's home right now.

Kyle opened the door of his home and he was welcomed by his mother. He then closed the door and hugged his mom.

"Hi Kyle!" Kyle's mother greeted him.

"Hey Mom," Kyle nodded exaggeratedly. "What's for dinner?"

"Before that, there's someone who wants to talk to you." Kyle's mom said nervously.

"Who is it?" Kyle asked.

Kyle heard the door open and he turned around.

"Hi Kyle!" His father stood smiling apologetically while holding a cake.

The cake's flavor is chocolate and it really looks so tempting to eat. Oh, the great temptation of chocolate cake! But Kyle's isn't wavered by that temptation.

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