Chapter 7

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Every reading from the Humatronics seemed normal. Nothing odd happened at night; all they did was wander. Bob had reported to Mark that Chica had entered the security room without him noticing, but when Bob saw her, she left. Every time one of the Humatronics approached one of the doors, Bob closed it. Mark wasn't happy with one time, and scolded Bob briefly on why he should have been on high alert the whole time, and not just after Chica came into the room. What if she had malfunctioned and attacked him? If the door had been closed, there was no chance of that happening. However, anyone on the night shift had to beware of the power level. Keeping the doors closed used up power, and they'd spring back open if the power cut, and there was a reason for this.

The pistons that held the doors closed used a mechanical spring that retracted every time power flow to it was cut off, causing the door to open. Since the building had limited power, beside the bedrooms, which had their own power supply, whoever was on the night shift had to make sure to open the doors once the Humatronic standing there left, as to conserve power.

However, even when this was explained to Jack, he was still skeptical. He had never heard of  a piston that worked like that, but everything seemed realistic enough to be real life, so it couldn't possibly be a dream, right?

Jack took careful looks at the Humatronics, as Mark had told him to make sure every mechanical part was working in synergy with the organic matter that built their bodies. Jack's main objective was doing this, but not for Mark's sake. This was so that he could make sure they were still alive on their own. But when Jack was looking them over, he noticed something in common with each of them, a small computer chip on the backs of their necks. Was this what was blocking their memories and controlling their A.I.s?

Jack began running tests to discover the functions of these computer chips and what he found was astounding.

Each chip set up what could be considered "mental firewalls" that allowed access to certain memories and blocked access to others. Not only was Jack correct on this part, but his other hunch was also true; this is was controlled the Humatronics A.I.s. The chips had other functions as well. It allowed for fine motor skills, executive functioning and independent thinking.

Jack then implored further to see if they could be removed easily, but didn't get the results he was hoping for. The entire program had to be shut down before the chips could be removed safely. Otherwise, it could have serious consequences.

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