Chapter 8

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This was all Jordan could feel, and he hated it. That nightmarish machine had turned him into a robot, but not before tearing out what was his. It felt like his entrails were being scooped out of him, leaving nothing but an empty shell. He felt like a shell of his former self, heartless, cold, emotionless. It felt horrible.

Jordan woke up at his station. His A.I.s had been activated, but something was wrong. He hadn't activated himself, someone else did.

Images flashed before him.

Being dragged to sleep.

Waking up in that horrible room.

Being unable to scream.

Mark's twisted face.

The Scooper.

Then, his emotions reacted.








Jack had woken up in the middle of the night. It was the silence that woke him, and he realized that he needed to start his plan now, or he may never get another chance. He had secretly placed a camera in the corner of the security room, and was using that to spy on who was on the night shift.

Unfortunately, the first to fall victim to Jack's plan was Bob.

Jack knew Bob didn't deserve this, but it was a necessary sacrifice to get to Mark. Each of the Humatronics had been activated, and their A.I.s were all set to Level 8, to at least give Bob a chance at surviving the night. He wanted to at least scare him into convincing Mark to take the night shift instead. That way, there would only be one death involved with his plan.

Humatronic A.I. set to Level 8. All vessels active. Objective set: Jumpscare.


Jordan realized what he needed to do. He needed to kill the security guard. No matter the cost, the security guard needed to die.

"Chica, Bonnie,"Jordan commanded "Approach the doors, break in. I'll follow up. Foxy, you rush him."

"Copy that, Freddy," Cierra affirmed.


Jack watched the Humatronics converse over the plan, and then changed over to Bob's camera. Bob was clearly watching, and Jack saw his face turn from bored and tired to scared and alert. Changing the cameras back to the main room, Jack watched as the Humatronics put their plan of attack into action. Bethany and Jordan started down the east hall, while Cierra stalked down the west hall. Foxy hid behind a curtain, waiting for the perfect time to dash to the door.

Jack found himself filled with excitement and dread at the same time, and realized, he couldn't keep this all to himself. He'd need backup.

Jack opened his e-mail and quickly typed an explanation message to Arin Hanson. Every detail was layed out carefully in the note, hoping that Arin would understand.

Somehow, almost immediately, Jack got an answer.

"How would this be possible? I know for a fact that Mark's not crazy, and he didn't even finish college to get a degree in biomedical engineering, so how would he have achieved this level of futuristic science? However, I know you as an honest person, and I believe that there's something wrong here. I'll talk to Suzy and Dan about this and see what we can do to help.

Hang in there, buddy.

-Arin Hanson"

"Oh, thank God," Jack breathed a sigh of relief, running his hands through his septic green hair.

Suddenly, a short, startled scream sounded through the speakers of Jack's computer. The Humatronics had begun their assault. Jack switched to the camera window, and saw that Bob had both doors closed, and was breathing heavily, sitting back in the swivel chair. Bob briefly looked through both windows, using the lights, but both Bonnie and Chica were standing there with blank expressions on their faces. Bob began checking the cameras, and Jack switched the cameras so that he could see what was going on with the boys. Foxy was peeking out from behind a curtain on the opposite side of the wall from where Jack's room was. This was Foxy's favorite hiding spot, and Jack had dubbed it "Pirate's Cove", just like from the first Five Nights at Freddy's game. Freddy, however, was no where to be seen. He was hiding from the cameras by camping in the blind spots.

Bob had lasted until 5:53 A.M. before the power cut. Jack watched intently. Bob had to live for seven minutes before his shift was over and the A.I.s reset. Jack watched with anxiety and fear as Freddy's A.I.s rose steadily until they maxed out.

Please tell me Bob is going to make it! Jack pleaded, silently. He doesn't deserve this!

5:57 A.M.

Freddy had regained most of his memories, and had become Jordan again, but not truly. Jordan was innocent, Freddy was guilty. Freddy and Jordan had fused, and Jordan was looking for fearful revenge. Jordan slowly peeked through the open doorway, locating where his prey was.

Jordan slowly walked into the pitch black room, but his prey couldn't find him. Jordan's eyes had adjusted to the pitch blackness, and could see his victim. One down, three to go.

Jack watched Jordan approach Bob, shaking violently. Bob wasn't going to make it through the shift, but Jack couldn't keep Jordan from his prize.

Jordan was filled with anticipation, and cherished the sweet moment of victory. Then, with one mighty screech, he pounced. His victim screamed in terror and pain as Jordan tore at him with his bare hands, clawing and tearing his way into his prize. Jordan couldn't help but grin, and began to laugh with insane joy.

Jack watched, in utter horror as Jordan tore Bob apart, bit by bit, laughing maniacally. Jack couldn't believe what he'd just done, and instantly regretted his decision, but now, it was truly too late to go back. He would just have to embrace his evil deeds, and follow his plan to the end, no matter what it might bring.

That morning, Jack stayed in bed, not wanting to leave his room.

Wade walked back to the security room to have the baton passed to him, but when he entered the room, he saw the wreckage, and screamed in horror.

Mark and Matt were sitting  at one of the tables, talking when they heard the scream. They were instantly distracted, and looked in the direction of the scream. Wade came running out in a panicked state, shaken up at what he'd just seen. Jack opened his door and peeked out to see what was going on.

"Bob is dead!" Wade shouted "He's been torn apart!"

"What?" the others said simultaneously.

"Come look!"

The four men rushed to the security room, only to find that Wade was right.

Bob was lying on the floor, with his eyes rolled back into his head. There was blood everywhere, and Bob's organs were spilling out of his body. There was no doubt that he was dead as a door-nail.

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