Chapter 16

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Death was so close, Mark could feel it crawling under his skin.

He heard laughing in the distance, it was Freddy, enjoying his victory-to-be.

"It's over, Mark," he heard from afar. Freddy was taunting him.

"You made us, Purple Guy. And we finally get to have our revenge! Against the most terrible creature of all. You." Freddy continued.

Purple Guy. Freddy had called him Purple Guy. Was this symbolism? Had Mark truly become the Purple Guy? Mark looked down at himself. He had been clothed in a black shirt and jeans, and a purple lab coat, stained in the blood of everyone he had hurt. Why had Mark never bothered to wash the blood stains away? Was that symbolism as well? That you can never undo the evil deeds you've committed, and that the blood will always be on your hands?

Mark looked at his now trembling hands, and saw that they were completely covered in blood, even though he was sure he'd washed them before starting his shift. But then, he realized, no. He hadn't. He still had Jack's blood on him. He was still easily pointed out as guilty. Jack's blood had dried onto Mark's hands from beating the life out of him. Mark's eyes began to well with guilty tears as he heard Freddy's voice again.

"Think about what you've done, Mark. You killed us. You tortured your friends, just so you could know who else to eliminate. And when you found out it was Sean, you didn't even hesitate to wonder why he would do such a thing."

Sean. Freddy had heard Jack's birth name before? Had Mark said it in front of them, or did Jack tell them?

"You didn't think, you just acted."

Freddy began creeping into the doorway to Mark's left, his eyes, staring at him in disgust and rage.

This is it. Mark thought. Turning from everything I once knew, betraying everyone I once loved. It ultimately became my downfall.

Freddy smiled demonically, his fluffy brown hair was a rat's nest, his skin was pale. Mark decided he needed to act quickly. He needed to apologize to Jack and tell the Humatronics to stop attacking him!

Mark dashed out of the security room by the right-hand door and made a run for it. However, the Humatronics had planned for this, and Chica was blocking the exit of the hallway. Mark was cornered and had to stop. Freddy grabbed Mark by the arms, pulling him back. Mark screamed in terror, and began to struggle violently.

"No! Please! STOP!" Mark pleaded, kicking and screaming, but to no avail. Freddy's grasp was too strong, and despite Mark's desperate struggles, would not loosen.

"Cierra, Bethany, release the prisoners. Isaac, release Jack." Freddy ordered. Cierra? Bethany? Isaac? Had Mark even bothered to learn their given names? But he knew Freddy's. He'd not thought about it, but Freddy's name was really Jordan.

Jordan was tall, about six foot. He didn't have as much muscle as fat, but he wasn't overweight. Did Mark even bother to get to know Jordan? What was his personality like? For all he knew, Jordan could've been one of the nicest people in the world, and Mark turned him into a savage, mindless monster.

Mark found himself being strapped to the same wall he had strapped each of the Humatronics to in the beginning. He immediately knew what Jordan was trying to do.

"You killed me here, and now, this is where I'll kill you. Karma will find its way."

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