Chapter 10

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No, no, no, no! Jack thought. This can't be happening!

Arin and Dan were not supposed to come here! They were supposed to help him from afar!

Please tell me they aren't going to say that I told them about this...

"Tell us why you did this, Mark," Arin commanded. "Now."

"Why should I tell you?" Mark replied, seeming oddly calm. "You're the ones who broke in to a secret operation."

"What are you talking about?" Dan challenged. "What you're doing is completely illegal, and just plain wrong!"

"What I'm saying is that someone on the inside of this operation told you about what was going on," Mark explained. "Why don't you tell me who it was? If you do, you can run free. If not, I'll do whatever I have to in order to get the answers I need. So, what do you say?"

Please, no... Jack was panicking, but refused to let it show through. Don't say a word, please!

There was silence for a moment. Arin and Dan looked pressured and nervous, trying to find the words to say.

"Why would we tell you, asshole?" Arin shouted. "If we told you, you would torture and kill whoever we told you it was!"

Mark did not look happy with this answer, and stared through them.

"I know Arin's right," Dan agreed. "You would do whatever the hell you wanted with who we told you was the one who told us!"

"Fine," Mark concluded. "I guess we'll just have to do this the hard way. Freddy! Foxy!"

At Mark's command, Freddy and Foxy activated. Freddy grabbed hold of Arin, while Foxy took Dan. There was a struggle, but Freddy and Foxy had been mechanically enhanced. Arin and Dan, despite their strength, could not break free of their grasps.

"What are you doing?" Dan shouted, obviously growing scared. "Let us go!"

All Mark did was smile to himself.

"You fucking asshole! What do you think you're doing?" Arin shouted, more angry than scared.

"You refused to make things easier for yourselves," Mark explained. "So now, I have to force the answers out of you." 


Yet again, Jack found himself in the position he was in at the start: curled up in the corner, trying not to go crazy. Occasionally, he would hear Arin shouting in denial, refusing to give any information to Mark. Dan had also been questioned, but also refused. Jack could do nothing but hope that Arin and Dan wouldn't blow his cover. Jack knew he was in trouble, so once Mark was finished, Jack rushed in to the Safe Room where they were.

Arin and Dan were bloodied and beaten, strapped to chairs. However, they still had fight in them. Jack closed the door and, knowing the room was soundproof, began to talk.

"You shouldn't have come here," Jack told them. "Bad idea, huge mistake."

"I know that now," Arin said, fearfully.

"You said he'd gone crazy, but we didn't think he'd ended up like this!" Dan fretted.

"Well, we need to go over some things," Jack explained. "Whatever you do, whatever you say, don't blow my cover. I need to carry this plan out to the end. Try and keep this for as long as you can."

"We'll try, Jack," Arin promised. "I can't promise we won't give up. If we can't take it anymore, we might resort to telling Mark the truth, but we'll try to keep him from knowing."

"Thank you, so much," Jack was very grateful and relieved. "I believe you can do this. Just do your best. And thank God the cameras in here were disabled! If someone had come across footage of this, our dicks would be screwed to the floor!"

"You can say that again," Dan agreed. "But please don't, when you said that, I felt a tug in my balls."

Jack smiled. They hadn't been stripped of their personalities yet, and Jack knew he could trust them.

"Thanks again," Jack told them as he turned to the door. "I'll try and get this over with as soon as I can."

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