Five: Train.

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"It's too dangerous!"

Steve was damn well tired of hearing the twins argue over whether or not Y/N would be attending the next mission.

They were going to track down the nazi's and they had to jump from train to train, and the survival rate in the snow was minimal.

Bucky would not let her leave.

"If it's too dangerous then why are you going?" She yelled, a loud thud signalling something had fallen. "Because I'm ready to lay down my life, but I won't let you lay down yours."

"I told you if you actually gave a shit about my future you wouldn't have joined to army in the first place." Bucky was silent. "I'm going. Whether you want me to or not."

God, she should've stayed.

"Remember that time I took you on that roller coaster?" Bucky shivered. "Yeah, and I threw up?"

"This is pay back isn't it?" You asked, nudging Bucky.

Steve laughed. "Now, why would I do that?" You wrapped the harness around yourself, then hooked it to the wire. "Be careful."

"No promises." You winked at Steve and saluted your brother then slid down on to the train. "Easy peasy."

"Here." Steve opened the latch he'd run to as he balanced himself on the train. "Go, go, go." Bucky's eyes showed a tremendous amount of worry when he helped you down.

"What's wrong?" Bucky shakes his head. "You shouldn't be here."

Just as those words left his lips, the doors shut, separating you and Bucky from Steve. "James.."

"Don't be scared. I'm here til' the end of the world." These were words he only ever said when he knew something bad was about to happen.

Two officers emerged from the door opposite them, and they both readied their guns. You shot first, starting the shoot out, and noticed Steve fighting a droid in the next cabin.

A bullet skimmed your right arm, and you hissed, covering in with your hand. "Y/N! You okay?"

"Fine. Keep going," You were running out of bullets and Bucky had run out taking out one officer. You hid behind a stack of crates, and looked at Bucky. "Goddamn. I knew you should've stayed at camp. I knew it."

"Don't blame yourself, Bucky. It's on me." Just as you were about to apologise, Steve busted into your cabin, and threw his shield, quickly taking out the guy you ran from.

"Thank god," You sighed, hugging Steve tight as he pulled you up. "Perfect timing, Punk." You laughed slightly.

"Alright, we've got slight control now so, as soon as we get to the front, we'll-" You barely had time to scream as the fire-spewing droid stood, and shot the largest amount of fire toward you.

"Y/N!" You hadn't even known you fallen, or grabbed on to the train, for heaven's sake.

"I got you! Grab my hand! Y/N, do not let go!" You grabbed Bucky's hand, but the wind resistance made it harder to pull you back to the train.

Everything was hazy, and blurry, and you were losing consciousness quickly. "Steve! Help!" There was a tunnel coming up, and you knew you weren't going to make it, judging by how quickly you were moving and slipping.

"Bucky, I-" Your screams didn't last long when you fell. Losing consciousness at the pressure, and loss of blood.

You fell quickly through freezing air, eyes closed, and your last thought was:

Thank god it's me and not you.

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