"Ah, fuck."Sam watched from a distance as the twin soldiers moved similarly. First groaning and looking at their surroundings then looking to what their arms were caught in.
"Bucky, you're alive!" She tried to move to get to him, but she couldn't. Because they needed to make sure they hadn't moved if they were still...not them.
"Yo, Tony, Cap," Sam nodded toward the room, and the men slightly jogged to the room.
"Steve-" Bucky started.
"Howard?" Everyone's eyes turned to Y/N as she said the mans name. "No, um - son of. Tony, hi."
The disappointment was apparent on Y/N's face. She knew no one, and she was captured just as she had started to remember.
"Sam, help me with this."
Tony watched as Sam and Steve lifted the metal, and he never noticed how his heart would break at moments like this.
Tears streaming down each other's face, Bucky and Y/N gravitated toward each other, embracing the other in a tight hug. "God, I'm so glad you're okay."
"I thought they killed you. I was so scared, James."
"They can't get to you now, okay? They won't." Steve sighed.They need love, He decided. "Hey Tony, can you scan him for any injuries? I wanna talk to Y/N first."
Bucky followed Tony out of the room, eyeing Steve as he walked towards his sister.
"You remember me yet?" He smiled lightly when she nodded. Her eyes never left him as he kneeled in front of her. "You and I were..something. Weren't we?"
Steve chuckled and nodded. "Yeah, something."
"Something that my brother never knew about. Right?"
"Unfortunately, yes." You could only stare as Steve's fingers intwined with yours. Your skin reacted immediately, your cheeks heating up and tinting a pink colour. "You haven't changed."
"Miss," Sam directed you toward Tony, where you passed Bucky and he rubbed your shoulder. "Do I really look that much like him?"
You smiled slightly and nodded. "More than you think."
Tony racked his mind for the face he'd been looking at for the past fifteen minutes. She'd had a major concussion, and light abrasions on her stomach.
But he still couldn't figure out where he'd seen her.
"Look, I know you're both scared. No one has triggered you in months. But I'm gonna need you to do better than 'I don't know'." The familiarity of the positions they were in did not make Y/N want to answer any questions. Bucky in front of her, Tony, Sam, and Steve in a scattered form on either side of them...She could almost hear the Swiss accent saying the trigger words over the loudspeaker.
"He wanted to know about Siberia. Where we were kept."
"Why would he need to know that? What could he do?" Tony questioned.
"We're not the only winter soldiers."
A silent shock spread through the abandoned warehouse, Tony letting out and annoyed sigh.
"What do you mean? There are more relentless assassins in Siberia?" Sam's eyes were wide. "Yeah," Bucky stared at her when she spoke.
Her head stayed down, a frightened look on her face as she stared at her palms. "There were five. The soviets had brought them in. They had more kills than anyone in HYDRA history and that was pre-serum.
"We were asked to fight them - to, I don't know test their strength or whatever, and I fought the only other woman. But it wasn't much of a struggle. I ended up adding her to the list of lives I'd already taken.
"But they're dangerous. They could destroy a while country overnight and you'd never see them coming. You guys think we're threats? Pray no one wakes them up."
Bucky sighed. He remembered that night. It was the first night you had regained conscious thoughts, and the first thing you did was try to get yourself out. But they said something. They said a word that had immediately knocked you out, and to this day, he still didn't know what it was.
"So, what do we do now?"
"They're after Y/N. So we need to get her cleared." Bucky started. "I'm not running from anyone anymore and she shouldn't be either."
"I understand but it's not that easy-"
"Make it that easy or someone's gonna lose their life."
It was pretty easy to get Y/N and themselves cleared. Steve and Tony didn't have to fight like they thought they would, and that was a big relief for everyone.
T'challa wasn't as forgiving. He still thought that Y/N killed his father, and so far nothing has been able to change his mind. They weren't trying to hide her, they just needed to change his mind.
She had been running from him when he found her at the Stark tower, everyone doing their own thing. That's why it was so easy for her to getaway.
"Y/N, stop running!" Despite Bucky's pleas, she kept going, tears streaming down her face.
She remembered nothing, so why was everyone after her?
Everything became fuzzy once she tripped and hit her head from not paying attention. "I-I didn't kill your Dad.."
"Then why did you run?"
"Because I was scared."

Twin Soldiers.
FanfictionYou were Bucky's Twin. You were Bucky's best friend. You were everything to Bucky and he was everything to you. Which was why when he enlisted in the 107th, you did too. He knew he wouldn't be able to keep you out of harm's way for too long, but h...