"Dammit." I pulled the blankets closer to me, trying not to hear her screams across the hall. This was the third time she'd woken up since Sunday.
It's only Monday.
I didn't want to be the one to wake her up. The trust she had for me was wavering, because I had been the antagonist in her dreams. I was the one turning on her when the last time they had us under control she had turned on me. If I was the one to wake her then the nightmare wouldn't stop.
Why do we let them in?
I hear Steve slowly soothing her, and I get out of my bed anyway.
"Is she okay?"
"I doubt it," He answers, wiping the hair out of her eyes. "Can I do something?"
"Make sure she knows it's real when you're with her."
I sat up straight, along with the hair on my back, and sighed when I realised I was awake.
Was that even a nightmare?
I guess the nightmare part was losing my best friend to her boyfriend. Or whatever they are.
I got up and washed the sleep out of my eyes, seeing that I woke up thirty minutes before my morning run. I put on a shirt, and quietly slipped out of my room. I stopped when I spotted Steve, asleep outside her door. "That's my sister's room,"
He jumped up with a start, wincing as his hand hit the doorframe. "I-She-You got me."
"I honestly am too tired to ask. Get dressed we're going for a run."
"Why are you up so early?"
"Had a nightmare, couldn't get back to sleep. It's just been way to much of a hassle to invest in." I slowed down a little upon feeling a slight pinch in my thigh. "You still have nightmares?"
"Yeah. I just..am better at hiding them. Ow." I looked to Steve, and Steve looked at my thigh, his eyes becoming alert, and searching for something. "What is it?"
"A tranquilizer dart, hold on, Buck." My vision still wavered, and my body quickly became numb. "You're gonna be okay, I swear."
Steve ran as quicky as he could with his friend on his back, only feet away from the compound before he was attacked. Bucky hit the ground, and Steve rolled as he fell.
All these men were masked, so he couldn't tell who they were with. But if he could tell you one thing about these guys, it's that they were relentless. Every time he thought that he'd taken one guy out, they got back up and went after him again.
He got his arms around one guys neck, and just as Steve was about to snap it, (something that he never did) one of the guys pulled out a screen. "We've got your girl, Captain!" He froze.
"What did you say?" He dropped the enemy when James groaned, and moved to his side. "Y/N, is it?"
"I swear to god if you hurt her, I'll-" He scoffed. "You won't do shit, Captain. He might," He pointed to Bucky. "But you won't. You'll be too panic stricken to do anything. You let your emotions take control, but even when he's in control he turns his fear, his sadness, into rage. And then he fights. Instead of letting it destroy him, he turns it into strength. That's your problem. You care too much." Steve turned speechless, then helped his friend stand.
"We've got your girl, and this time you're not going to get her back."
"Y/N!" I yelled, running up the stairs to her room. Steve had been silent the entire way back and he wouldn't tell me where he got all those bruises from.
"Y/N! Friday, where's my sister?"
"It finds her found t-taken." Friday's system skipped, it sounded like breaking up over a phone. "Natasha!" I went back into the front room, searching for her, only to find her knocked out on the floor of the kitchen.
"Steve, where's Y/N?"
He ran a hand through his hair. "Bucky, I-"
"Steve, where the hell is my sister."
"They got her, Buck. They got her."

Twin Soldiers.
FanficYou were Bucky's Twin. You were Bucky's best friend. You were everything to Bucky and he was everything to you. Which was why when he enlisted in the 107th, you did too. He knew he wouldn't be able to keep you out of harm's way for too long, but h...