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"Keith, help!" Lance screeched as he tumbled down the steep ditch, getting stuck at the bottom.
Keith stared down at his friend in shock.
"Lance, are you alright?" The worried six year old asked. "Ow... everything hurts! Just please get me out!" The child shouted. "Right!" Keith responded.
He quickly jogged away, leaving Lance alone.
10 minutes later
Paulina, Lances mother had gotten a ladder, and saved her son. Keith was waiting at the top, and greeted his friend with a warm hug.
"Owie..." Lance mumbled. "Oh, sorry! Did I hurt you?" Keith asked him. He shook his head. "I thought you left me." Lance muttered sadly. "Dummy, I wouldn't ever leave you! Lets stay together, forever." Keith grinned. Lance nodded in agreement.
They soon dropped Keith off at his house, where boxes were everywhere.
"Mommy? Daddy? Whats happening?" Keith asked. "Um... well, we are going away for a while. I already packed your room up, so help us out with the smaller boxes, okay?" Carol, Keith's foster parent asked him. He didn't really understand at the time what was happening, so he agreed and helped. And with that, they left.
11 years later
The pale teen helped his parents move into what seems like their twentieth house. "Thanks sweetie, but I've got the rest! Go walk around, see if you remember anything." His mother smiled at him. He nodded, and left.
Remember anything? We've been here before? Keith walked around for what seems like forever.
He heard shouting as he rounded the corner, and bumped into somebody whom was running. They both fell to the ground.
"Son of a bit~" Keith got cut off as the person apologized. "Whoops, my bad!" The other boy said, getting to his feet. He had tan skin, brown hair, almost like a hazel nut. "Watch where you're going." Keith snapped, getting to his feet.
No, Keith never made anymore friends due to the constant moves. In fact, he used to get bullied because he was the smart one, and he would wear the nerdiest clothes. But he got fed up with it, and changed...
"Wow, chill dude." The guy muttered as he walked passed.
When he passed, Keith caught his hit him like a bus.
What the hell? Who was he? Why do I feel like I know him? Keith couldn't shake these thoughts off as he kept walking.
He soon made it back "home", if he could even call it that. All the boxes were now inside the house, and he went into his room. He tried to shake this feeling of knowing that guy, but couldn't. Sleep wasn't an option tonight either.
Sorry for such a short chapter! I will update ASAP if I can!

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