A realization

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The boys both slept peacefully for a while, but Lance was trapped near the wall, and he needed to get to the kitchen for some water.
He carefully tried to crawl around Keith, but only ended up knocking the both of them off the bed. How exactly did he do this? It's Lance, he always fucks up.
"Ack! Lance! Why did you do that?" Keith asked the boy, who was on top of him.
"I Wanted to go to the kitchen." The boy simply said.
They noted their position, as a blush spread on both of their cheeks.
Keith had a feeling- No an urge... He wanted to Kiss Lance.
Lance smirked at Keith. "I guess I'm not the only thirsty one." He snickered.
Keith shoved him off, and got up. "Don't be mad, it was just a joke!" Lance exclaimed, not wanting to be kicked out. "I'm sleeping on the couch." Keith grumbled, and yanked his pillow off his bed, leaving Lance alone in his room.
He rushed down the stairs, and basically threw himself on the couch. 
What the fuck was that? God I hate him...right? Why am I questioning this, of course I do! Keith fought with himself.
Lance however, was more than happy with himself. He likes- no loves to tease people, and see how flustered they get. Even if he was, or is, and failure a picking up chicks, he can still get them flustered in some strange Lance way. I guess you could say he's a Dirty Lance, especially with his pervy mind.
Both of them were in separate rooms now, but all they could think about was what happened. Keith, having and actual struggle with it, and Lance... snickering and laughing to himself about it.
Night soon ended, and Keith couldn't sleep at all. He heard the sound of sizzling bacon in the kitchen.
He pulled himself out of bed, and stumbled into the kitchen. "Morning sweetie. Go get Lance up, and we can all eat breakfast together." His mother smiled at him. He nodded, and slowly went up the stairs.
When he reached his room, he softly knocked on the door. He didn't hear a reply, so he slowly opened the door, like how somebody would in a horror movie.
He saw Lance, sound asleep on his bed. He shuffled forward, and went closer. He had an overwhelming feeling in his chest to see Lance so... vulnerable. If anything, he looked like an angel in his sleep. The way the light reflects off of his beautiful tan skin, how his hair looks so gentle and soft. His face didn't have really any emotion besides except peaceful look. His mouth slightly ajar.
Keith couldn't control himself as he softly, and slowly stroked the sleeping boys hair.
"Heh, that feels nice."  The boy mumbled, as he opened his eyes, staring right at Keith. Keith couldn't find anything to say to explain this.
"Breakfast." He said and found himself bolting out the door, slamming it shut behind him.
Pull yourself together, seriously what the fuck is wrong with me? Keith asked himself.
Later on, Lance joined them for breakfast, and thanked Mrs. Kogane graciously. After that, he saw it fit to return home and check on his mother, so he left.
Keith didn't want him to leave, and he didn't know why. He hated the boy, so random and quirky, and annoying, and funny, and adorable and what the fuck? It isn't supposed to be like this. So what if we were childhood friends? That doesn't have to do with anything! Keith couldn't help but to feel...what did he feel? Confusion, annoyance, what? "Honey, I know that face... what's wrong?" His mother asked.
"Well, I didn't really...expect any of this. Honestly, I just feel weird right now." He sighed.
His mother smiled at him. "I remember feeling like that. It was the first time I met your father. I thought he was the most annoying person, and I hated him. But I'm lucky to have realized it wasn't hate, but love. If your father wasn't so damn busy all the time, then you would see how happy, and loving he is." She told him.
Keith shook his head. "I can't lo-like that idiot. He's too... just too... I don't even know what he is anymore!" Keith exclaimed, and slammed his head down on the table.
His mother ruffled the boys mullet, and chuckled. "That's even what I did. Just think on it." She said and got up to do house chores.
After that long night, all he could do was think about it. He came to a certain realization... he just wanted to punch Lance in the face.

A/N soooo sorry this chapter took so long! School has been kicking my ass, and I have been extremely busy. So, I threw in a little comedy to lighten the mood in this chapter. Anyways, thank you so much for reading! Have a cookie ^_^

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