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Keith sulked at school all day. One pick up line after the other from Lance.
Annoying. Keith thought. Why does he even care so much? Why me? It's so much trouble. He zoned out.
"Mr. Kogane!" The teacher called. He looked at Coach Dragneel.
"Answer the question." He ordered.
"Could you repeat it?" He asked the coach, who rolled his eyes.
It was like that for Keith all day.
For some reason, the questions wouldn't stop coming.

"Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" Lance asked him at lunch.
"No, but I scraped my knee clawing my way up from hell." Keith replied, hoping to shut him up.
"Is that why you're so hot?" Lance smirked at him. Keith felt a light blush appear as he looked away from him. He wasn't expecting that answer at all.

It was like that for almost two weeks. Keith had probably heard every pick up line ever made by then. He was tired and annoyed.
At school, he was avoiding Lance again. What more could he do? It was all just too much.
He opened his locker as a note fell out.
'You're probably very annoyed by Lance, but bear with it please. He doesn't know any better, and is like a child. He is really fragile, I warn you not to hurt him.'
Keith rolled his eyes, and threw away the note.
Fragile huh? What happens if I break him? Would he leave me alone? Keith couldn't help but wonder if breaking him was the right thing to do.
He had made him upset before, but was that the right thing to do? Getting rid of him would let Keith finally focus and do better in school.
That night, Keith made up his mind. He was going to break him.
It was a Saturday morning, and Keith took a walk. He had to clear his head.
He found an old river, as memories came back.
He and Lance used to swim in it all the time. Once, he even tried to scare Lance by going under, and swimming somewhere else so Lance would think something took him. He got very triggered and cried.
Lance always did cry, even if it was about something stupid.
Like when he cried about snakes not having arms, how hard it must be for them to live.
Keith found himself smiling at the memories. Until he realized how wrong it was and how he wanted to get rid of Lance.
But he didn't really want to as much as he needed to.
When they made out, Keith gets excited just thinking of it. It was wrong. He couldn't like Lance, it was weird. He had to get rid of him, before anything else happened!

A/N sorry for not updating, exams came up along with stupid drama and now I'm sick with a cold. Fml. Thanks so much for those who actually stick around and read my crap XD Have a cookie cake, you earned it! ^_^

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