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Why did Lance do this to himself? Well, he sort of knew the answer... As he thought for another moment, he felt a lump in his throat, tears welling up. He had to blink them away.
"Uh, well... It's difficult to explain." Was all he could say. Lance didn't wanna tell Keith! He does, but he's scared. Actually, he wants to tell him more than anything, but he's terrified of the boys response.
"We've got time... Please Lance, I want to know." Keith told him.
"Well, when I first started... I was just so hurt and angry. I hated myself for...losing you. When you told me all that, and to stay away from you... I kind of lost it. Then after you decided to be nice to me, I thought it was a lie. I didn't believe you for the longest time, and I wasn't sure what to do. Then when they arrests my dad, my mom had to work more jobs, and the stress got  to her. She took up drinking a-and..." His voice cracked as he didn't even realize tears were already dancing down his face. He looked down at his lap.
"Well, these bruises aren't all from me. At first, it was just verbal abuse... But it got worse. Then, before I knew it, at three in the morning she was banging on my room door yelling at me." He told Keith. Keith wasn't sure how to handle this, at all. He's the real reason Lance started to first cut. Now he's going to be the reason he stops. But the abuse... He can't fight a woman! He could call the police, but then Lance would really lose all his family... 'Fuck, why is is so difficult?' Keith thought.
"Hurting yourself over others isn't going to help you at all. I didn't know it was my fault." Keith said. He felt so numb. But in an instant, it changed to worry and concern.
"I-I didn't know what else to do, I just didn't want to lose you! It hurt me so badly, and then I realized that you deserved better. You still do. I'm so replaceable, I'm just a stupid boy with stupid dreams." Lance was about to fucking break at this point. He held back his sobs, and bit his lower lip, staring down.
"Don't you ever fucking say that. You're not replaceable, not at all." The raven haired boy softly spoke.
"B-But I-" Lance began. Keith was not doing this game.
"-But nothing. We are going to fix this, and you will stop hurting yourself." Keith finished his sentence.
"You didn't care at all before I started... What's so different now?" Lance suddenly asked.
"It just is." Keith told him. In all honesty, he didn't feel like confessing right now. He knew he probably had to though so Lance could understand.
"So you only care if I'm hurt?" Lance asked. Keith felt like face palming, but didn't.
"That's not what I'm saying at all! I just... I didn't want to say this so soon, but I've always cared about you. You were always in my mind since we were so little, and when we came back I just couldn't believe it was you. I was so confused by how I felt, and I wasn't sure how to handle things. I said things I didn't mean, but in all honesty I love you." Keith spoke really quickly. He felt himself blushing, but he held eye contact with Lance. He deserved to know.
"Then seeing you hurt yourself, it hurt me. It made me want to throw up. I just want to help you, so please let me. I'm sorry that I started this, I'm so sorry because oh my God I am so stupid. I just want to make things right. I want us to live a long happy life together." The boy finally spoke out his true feelings. He stared at Lance, who was now silently sobbing. Somebody cared. Somebody cared. There was silence for a while, As he waited for Lance to stop crying. He finally calmed down. When he did, Keith had one more question.
"So, now you know how I really feel... Will you stop hurting yourself?" He asked him. Lance nodded. He would've said something, but he was going to cry again.
"As for your mom, we will figure something out. In the meantime, you can stay with us if you'd like. I'm sure my parents would love having you around again." Keith suggested.
"I-If you're sure it's alright, I don't want to cause any trouble." Lance said, his voice hoarse.
"It'll be fine, just like when we were kids." Keith assured him.
"Okay... Alright, I'm up for it then. Today, I'll just tell her the truth, and that I'm going to stay with you until she's better." Lance planned out. The other boy nodded in agreement.
"In that case, you should probably get some sleep." Keith pointed out. Lance nodded, and they went under the covers and turned out the small table side lamp.
"Oh right! I'm not sure if you know this, but since you told me that huge confession- I really do love you too Keith." Lance told him. Keith felt himself blush as he grabbed Lance and held onto him. He literally latched onto him like a giant squid. With that, they both fell asleep. Happier than ever in the embrace of one another, tonight assured them of nothing but sweet dreams. Being in love may be so much torture, but it is oh so rewarding.

A/N I know it's short, I wanted to write more but I decided to just write fluff in this chapter because holy shit you guys deserve it! I love reading your comments, that's literally the only reason I'm still writing this. The next chapter may be a little heart breaking, but all assured, it will hopefully be worth it. Thank you so much for reading!

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