Feeling Alone

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Lance heard Keith walk away. He had nothing else to say. He had felt as if the school had crashed down on him. Part of him wished it would. He didn't even want to go to class, but he did.
For the rest of the day, he couldn't even think straight.
Lance walked home, not saying anything to his friends.
When he went into the house, it was peaceful...for once. No yelling, fighting, or drunk bastards. He would've enjoyed it, but today wasn't the best day.
"Lance, is that you?" He heard his mothers voice.
With everything so peaceful, he didn't want to bother his mom...he smiled.
"Yeah, I'm finally home. It's nice for once, being quiet and all." He said, and saw her beautiful smile. He hadn't seen it in such a long time.
"I know! Today was so relaxing. For dinner, I was thinking about actually cooking something! How does spaghetti sound?" She grinned.
"Amazing, just don't burn the house down." He joked.
She chuckled with him, and went off to the kitchen as Lance went upstairs, feeling his smile drop and tears began to well up in his eyes.
He locked himself In his room, forcing himself not to cry. It only made it worse. Warm tears ended up trailing down his face and he bit his tongue, not wanting to cry out or make a sound. He didn't want to disturb the peace.
Lance looked in his drawer and found his pocket knife that he had once received from Hunk as a birthday gift. He rolled up his sleeves and took a deep breath. He grit his teeth, and opened the knife blade. He threw it at the dart board, hitting the middle bulls eye. Now if only he could find out how to cope with the pain, and stop crying like a little bitch, that'd be great.
He soon fell asleep, thinking how to feel better.

Keith forced himself to walk away from Lance. He left the boy at his locker, feeling like shit.
I can't believe he confronted me! I can't tell him the truth... n-no way in hell! Keith mentally argued with himself, as he took his seat. The rest of the school day was tiring, but Lance stopped bugging him.
When he got home, he found his mom humming the same tune she always does. He never knew what song it was, or why she liked it so much, but it was calming. He knew she had to leave to work in a little bit. Especially with Thanksgiving coming up, she needs to work extra like his father so they could have an actual family holiday.
"Hello sweetie, how was your day?" She asked him.
"Meh... okay I guess. School was school." Keith told her, grabbing and apple from the counter.
"I mean how is everything. Did you talk to him?" She asked, sweeping up some dirt from the floor.
"Um...no. I couldn't." Keith muttered.
His mom sighed, and shook her head. "You'll feel better when you do." She pointed out.
He nodded, taking point. "I need to head to the store. Need anything?" Keith asked.
"Yeah, grab some milk and eggs for me please. Here's the cash. I will see you tomorrow." His mother said, giving him a quick hug as he accepted the money from her.
"Lance, are you alright in there?" He heard his moms voice from the door. He forgot he locked it. He sat up, and opened the door.
"What time is it?" He mumbled. "Nearly five thirty. You work tonight." She told him, and closed his door for him. He bolted up as he needed to get there by six. He grabbed his uniform, and quickly yanked it on, and rushed down. "Thanks mom, I'll be home later!" Lance shouted as he rushed to his bike.
He pedaled really quickly so he wouldn't be late. He needs to work, and not be late again.
As he arrived at the store, it was five till six. Just on time.
Lance went into the store, and took his station at the register, as there were already a lot of people in there. Thanks Wal-Mart.
He got the scanner ready as somebody stepped up to the register. He looked up to see a mullet he'd recognize anywhere.
They both stared at each other, waiting for one of them to say something.

Alrighty, here is the update! I am so very sorry I didn't update sooner! Have a cookie for your patience ^_^ uhhggg kill me now, I have school tomorrow...ew. Thanks for reading my garbage too!

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