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It's been a month since the two started to hang out more. Lance had gotten more unexplained bruises and red spots. He still hasn't stopped cutting either. Keith had been trying a lot, but it's so difficult to talk any sense in him. What's worse is now Lance had started to lie about it. But the two of them had gotten so close now, he can even see through Lances lies. Keith's pretty sure Lance knows that though. As Keith stared at the boy across from him, he focused on every detail in his face. From his beautiful eyes to his soft perfect lips, he just wanted to hold him and tell him everything is okay. But he couldn't. Not after what happened.
"Hey, Lance..." Keith started. The boy looked him in the eye, and pointed to his sleeves.
"If you stopped... Why are you still wearing long sleeves?" He asked. Lance looked away from him.
"So that way nobody can see my scars. That way they don't think I'm mental and don't judge me. I'm too flawed is all." He answered. Keith didn't think that at all. But he also didn't think that was the truth. He can just tell something else is happening. After school, he walked Lance home. Like the normal everyday routine for the two. But he never got to meet Lances mom again. In fact, he's never seen Lance go inside the house until he walked away.
"Aren't you going to go in?" Keith asked, standing on his porch.
"Well yeah... Shouldn't you be getting home?" Lance asked him, changing the subject.
"What are you trying to hide from me?" Keith asked. The question caught Lance off guard.
"I'm not trying to hide anything! Why can't you just leave?" Lance asked, on the verge of tears he tried to turn his feelings into anger.
"Why do you want me to leave so badly?! It's like you don't care how I feel!" Keith shouted at him. He wasn't angry at Lance, but by how he's acting. Lance looked away from him.
"I do care... That's just it." Lance muttered. Keith was confused by this. What exactly was that supposed to mean?
"What?" Keith asked confused.
"Nothing, okay? I do care how you feel, and I want you more than anything!" Lance exclaimed, Keith watched as the boy turned pink with realization.
"N-No not like that! I-I just mean like... Uh, to know you, ya know? I want to know what you're thinking about more, alright?" Lance asked, clearly embarrassed.
"Uh, sure... But you know I'm not an open person..." Keith trailed off.
"Of course I know. I just wish you wouldn't focus on me all the time. There's just some things I can't tell you." Lance sighed. Keith raised an eyebrow in question.
"Why not?" Keith asked, sounding more harsh than he wanted to. If anything, he just felt sad.
"You wouldn't understand. It's the same...as last time." He shivered. Lance slowly turned the door knob.
"Bye Keith." He told him, and quickly slipped inside. Thank God his mom was asleep on the couch. He slowly and carefully made his way up the stairs. If anything, he just wanted to sleep. Once in his room, he literally fell on his bed.
"Why can't he understand..." Lance mumbled as he drifted off to sleep.
Keith walked back to his house, as the words echoed in his mind. 'I want you more than anything!' That's definitely what he said. But what did he mean? Keith obviously wasn't good at the whole feelings type thing. It kinda pissed him off, like everything else. When he got back into his house, he talked to his mom about it.
"Keith, it sounds like he really loves you... Why don't you just tell him how you feel?" She asked.
"Because, I-I just don't feel the same. It's weird, and I don't like it. Plus, he's not telling me something, actually a lot of things." Keith told her. He knew it was wrong  to lie, but he was scared in all honesty. He was scared to lose the boy he loved the most.
"Denying your feelings won't change anything. Honestly Keith, if you want him and yourself to be happy, just go for it." She sighed, shaking her head a bit.
"But I don't feel that way towards him. It's different for me." He mumbled the last part. He got up and went into his room, done with the conversation. He sat down at his desk and thought for a bit putting his head down. What happened to that happy cheerful boy? Or both of them?
Right... I'm the one who hurt him so badly... I just can't start a relationship with somebody that I hurt. I don't want to hurt him again and me being the fucking idiot I am... He's lying to me, I know he's hiding something. I just can't lose him. Keith lost himself deep in thought. He put his head up as he went onto his lap top. He searched up different things on what love is, what it's like, stuff like that. After getting tired of seeing the same results for a lot of them of how fun and good it is of being in love, he sighed putting it down.
Everybody in love is so happy. What the hell is wrong with me? What am I doing wrong? Keith was beyond confused now. But the truth is, he didn't do deeper research. After a while, he went to bed. His thoughts slowly becoming more and more sad, angry, and confused. Yet the main question he had in his mind is why... Why him?

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