A shitty father

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Small A/N I will be changing the POV here and there... have fun reading my garbage!

Lance got home to the sound of yelling. Of course his parents were fighting again, it's all they ever do anymore. His dad comes home drunk, and fights, sometimes he will even abuse Lance. As long as it's him, and not his mother, then it's okay.
He walked upstairs to his room, and threw himself on his bed. He opened his nightstand next to him, and got out an old photo album. Yup, he thought to himself, that's him...when did we grow so apart?
He put it back, and decided his mom has had enough stress. He went downstairs and and heard a slap. He stared at the drunk shit head who just slapped his mother.  Oh fuck no.
His mother was in tears, drunk slurs were getting yelled at her. He tapped his "dad" on the shoulder. As soon as he looked, Lances fist made contact with his fathers nose...a loud pop echoed through the house, and blood poured from the drunk idiots nostrils. "Ah! Son of a fuck!" He shouted, holding his nose. "You are to never lay a hand on a woman! Get the hell out of the house!" Lance shouted. His father glared at him.
"You little fucker. You wanna fight? I'll give you one!" He growled, and tackled Lance down.
He delivered a blow to Lances mouth, causing his lip to bleed. Lance spit the blood on his face.
The two were pretty much gonna kill each other. Paulina called the cops, and pretty soon, they both were pulled off of each other.
For abuse of spouse and child, his father was taken to prison. Lance was getting questioned and so was his mom. "Alright kid, how about you just go take a walk for a while, and we can get the details from your mother." The officer, Mr. Winchester said. He had apple like eyes, wore a heavy jacket, seemed around his later twenties. Lance nodded, and left. He could still taste the blood, feel the bruises and bumps on his face. He was in pain, but wouldn't admit it. Not right now anyways.
After a while, he took a turn down a familiar street. He saw a familiar mullet go outside his house. "I'd recognize that mullet anywhere." He muttered to himself, approaching Keith.
"Hey, Keith! Why'd you run earlier?" Lance asked him. Keith stared at the sight before him. "Forget what happened to me, what the hell messed you up?" He asked the Latino, who just shrugged. "Not important." He waved it off. Keith rolled his eyes, and dragged him inside.
"Your face is bloody, at least let me fix it before your scare a little kid." Keith sighed in annoyance.
He made Lance sit in front of him, as he kneeled down in front of him with a first aid kit. "I thought you didn't like me." Lance said in confusion. "I never said that, but I don't really. But then again, you're badly hurt, and if I didn't do something I would feel bad. So shut up, and let me help you." Keith explained, while getting a rag.
He put the peroxide on it, and held the rag on Lances bloody lip. "Ow!" Lance jumped.
"Oops." Keith mumbled like he didn't care. "A little warning would've been nice." The Latino huffed. "Shut it." Keith hissed, and continued working on the boy.
Lance couldn't help but notice how focused he had seemed. On instinct, he touched Keiths hair, sliding his fingers through it. Keith stared at the boy, and their eyes locked. A moment passed, and a soft knock came from Keiths door.
"Keith sweetie, I have your laund- OH YOU'RE BUSY-" His mother seemed embarrassed. "Hi Mrs Kogane!" Lance smiled at her. "Lance? So you were able to find him again! I thought you were-um never mind. What happened?" She asked, setting the laundry down. Lance stretched, and smiled at her like a doofus. "Just a little fight between me and my father. Nothing to worry about." He said. "Oh, I hope everything okay! Should I call the co-" Lance cut her off and shook his head. "No need, it was taken care of. Thanks though, luckily Keith fixed me up." He pointed to the boy, who stood up, and put a hand on his hip. "You can stay here for the night if you need to." Mrs. Kogane told him, with a sweet smile.
With a quick phone call, he was told to stay the night, because the questioning might go longer than expected. "Then it's agreed. You and Keith can share a room like you two did a while ago." Mrs. Kogane was more than delighted to have Lance over again.
Soon, both boys were tired, and wanted to sleep. They climbed into the small twin size bed, it was freezing in Keiths room, and they barely had any room. This will make for an awkward night.

A/N thank you for reading my garbage! Sorry if it's a bit triggering to some. I will try to update as soon as I can. I am also going to start working on another story, and yes...it will hit you with the feels train.

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