Is this really the end?

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Keith found Lance, and stared straight at him. He threw a paper at him.
Lance picked it up, and made a worried face.
It read:
Meet me after school. It's important.
Lance stared back at Keith, as the teacher wrote on the board. The day seemed to take forever to end. Especially since Lance was extremely restless due to meeting Keith later. All of these thoughts, and scenarios kept going through his head. Daydreams, fantasies along with heartbreaks. But more of them were happy endings.
I hope I am right, and he is going to confess to me! Lance excitedly thought. He felt like a middle school girl going to meet her crush, it's not like it's the first time he has done this before either.
After this class, only three left to go, then I can see him again!
All the classes dragged by, but finally I ran to his locker. He wasn't there... But there's another note...
Meet me behind the school. -Keith
Confused, and a bit worried, I shrugged the feeling off and went behind the school. He was waiting, his hair pulled back into a pony tail. He didn't seem to smile, or really show any emotion on his face.
"Look, I'm not here to waste any time. Stop. Stop trying to be my friend, and supposedly get me to fall for you. It isn't happening." He spat. His words stung Lance like poison.
"What I'm saying, is leave me the fuck alone. I'm sick of these stupid fucking games, and you're distracting me from my school work." He kept going. "I thought we could be friends like we used to, but you fucked that up too. Look, I don't love you, I was just confused at the time." He harshly said.
Lance felt tears well up, as he had lost all the feeling in his body. Keith walked away from him, leaving him alone.
Just like that, he had lost the love of his life.
Lance ran home, tears streaming down his face. At first, it was a joke. He didn't really mean to even like Keith like that, but then things changed... He actually fell in love with him... Now he's gone, and if Lance were to approach him, he'd just walk away.
Lances mom wasn't home, so it was the perfect opportunity. He went into the bathroom, mind blank, telling him to only do one thing. He broke open a razor.
What was he thinking? He wasn't. Tears going down his face, dripping into the sink, mixing with the blood that had been drawn from his ripped skin. He felt as if he didn't matter anymore, nobody could ever love him, if he were to kill himself...nobody would give a fuck. His grit teeth, head hurting, arm bleeding, blank mind, and a grave that soon awaits him. Never in his life had he considered this, even though he has always had a shitty life... But this drove him off the edge. He wasn't sure why he did what he did, but he made it sting... A feeling... Other than being numb. He would much rather feel pain than nothing at all.
He thought everything was going so well too... He really can't do anything right, can he? No, he is just one big fuck up. That's all he will ever be.
He hid the razors in his nightstand, and put a paper towel under a long sleeved shirt to help stop the bleeding so he wouldn't get blood everywhere. That night, he cried himself to sleep.
In the morning, he didn't want to go to school. But he had to. Nobody could know... They'd start calling him names like Emo fuck, attention whore, faker, mental, Emo fag, etc. He put on a long shirt, and brought a jacket with him for him to wear during gym class.
The whole day, he wore a fake smile, lied, and tried his best not to cry. Keith avoided him even more, and even asked to switch seats with somebody because he couldn't see the board. Is this really the end?

A/N I am sooooooo fucking sorry for that triggering scene. Have all the cookies you want, thank you so much for reading! Happy New Years Eve! Please no hate comments, I know what I am doing and I know what direction I want this story to have now. Lance may or may not recover (Kevin I swear to God if you complain about this- I know where you live XD) I'll start writing the next chapter ASAP!

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