You the bomb

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We had about 1 min before the bomb went off. everyone was run around screaming.

What did I tell you those things were bad luck Price?

I highly doubt that is why this happen Z.

Then we heard a noise from behind. We all turned around to the sound behind us.

"Church is that you?" Caboose asked

"Yep." Church answered

"Great you made it just in time to time to die with me." Caboose said

"I don't think so Caboose. Hey, Gary." Church said to the computer

"Hello Church, how are you?" the computer said

"Wait the computer can talk?" Simmons asked

"The computer's name is Gary." Grif said

"Gary could you please turn off the bomb." Church said

"Sure." Gary said

And just like that, the bomb stop ticking.

Time skip-

"So where have you been the whole time Church?" I asked

"Trust me Price. You don't want to know." Church answered

"Fine." I said

"Hey, I don't think you two should keep those things." Church said

"Man you sound like Zeta." said Tucker

"Like I told him there is nothing to worry about." I told him

"Is that so you have no idea where these came from." Church said

Just then Tex shows up and said: "you guys need to see this."

We follow her up a ramp and now are watch the reds standing around a warthog.

"So what are we looking at Tex." Tucker asked

"The reds are plotting something over there." Tex said

"Maybe they are listening to the radio Tex." I said

Just then Caboose came in and said: "There talking about something Simmons and Grif were doing in their car."

"How in the hell do you know that Caboose," Chruch asked

"Andy told me." Caboose Said proudly

another time skip :P :

"This is Andy Guys." Caboose said point to the bomb that almost killed us all

"Caboose are you hearing the bomb talking right know." Tucker asked Caboose

"Don't make fun of him Tuck." I told him

Just then we hear Grey say some about the bomb

"oh shut up, you're the jerk not me" the bomb said

"Holy crap the Bomb talks" we jumped back

what is going on


This is dumb Price.

I know zeta but for now, this is what we have to do.

After meeting Andy we stood around him trying to calm him down. The others try many different things. Then they started talking about Tex be a bitch I guess. I zoned out I only heard half of what they said. Intill I saw Grif Popped in and slow-walked out. I figure I would follow him.

I came up behind him and said."Hey fellas what's up."

"Oh hey Price what are you doing here?" Donut asked

"Well I saw Grif and was hoping to see what you guys were up to." I answered

"I don't think that is any of your business you damn blue." Sarge said with sadness and angry

"Sarge look I'm just around the blues because of my brother and Caboose." I said

"Wait what?" They all said looking at me

"Uh nevermind."

"Anyway Grif what were the blues up to?" Sarge asked

"I have no damn idea what I saw Sarge. Why don't you ask Price she was with them." Grif answered

They all look at me to answer. But before I could answer there we heard an explosion in the distance.

Well fuck

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