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"And he was translating between the two of them, too. So if we find Andy, he can tell us exactly what's going on."

"Sounds like we've stumbled across something totally diabolical! Good work uncovering the plot, Simmons."

"Thank you Sir."

"Simmons!? I just told you everything!"

"But Simmons was the one that led us to you after he stealthily avoided capture."

"Avoided capture!? They knocked him out before me and picked me at random!"

"Oh god and here I thought things couldn't get any dumber." I mumble

"Yes. A randomness that Simmons used to save the day!"

"He had nothing to do with that"

"But it was Simmons that found the underground cave."

"By trying to bury you alive!"

"A tactic that was clearly multi-layered. Once again Simmons' treasonous insurrection proves to be the glue that holds this unit together.

"Just wait 'til you hear about my upcoming assassination attempt."

"Oh, don't spoil it."

Grif grumbles to himself

"Why do you even try man?" I asked as we start walking and soon find ourselves entering a structure via a bridge, in their vast underground lair, and coming across a viewscreen switching between shots of the Canyon

"Huh, what's all this business?" Sarges questions

"It looks like a bunch of computer equipment, sir."

"Excellent analysis, Simmons."

"And it's attached to some kinda T.V. thing."

"So it is. Astute deduction, Donut."

"It shows all different parts of the canyon. Look, there's our base!" Grif points to screen

"Ah yes, another incredible observation from the stating-the-obvious department. Thanks for nothing, numbnuts."


Simmons, Donut- you two stay here. Grif and Price are gonna continue to help look for Andy."

"Sure I can do that." I start leaving

"Fine whatever." He starts wandering off  "Huhh, I hate my job."

"Hey, Price our room is on screen!" Donut shout to me

"Wait, What!?" I stop and jog back to them

"Yeah, and look there's the locker room! And the showers! Mahan, so many good memories hu."

Well, shit.

"I hope this thing isn't connected to the internet."

"Dear God, I hope not."

"Euh, the Blues must've set this up. Crafty devils. Spying on us all along. ...What's all that?"

"Why would they do that?"

"Becuase their blues.

"That looks like Blue Base though Sarge." Simmons point out

"Why would the Blues spy on themselves?" Sarge asked

"Maybe the Blues didn't set this up. Someone else might've."

"Or maybe the Blues are so incredibly arrogant, they just wanna see themselves on T.V. Boy I bet they have those stupid liberal equal time laws. Commie Blue bastards."

"I highly doubt that Sarge."

"What if all this technology is just left over from an ancient civilization that was way more advanced than us?"

"Wait a minute, how could an ancient civilization be more advanced? If they were so advanced, where did they go?"

"Yeah sounds a bet far-fetched dont you think?"

"They could have mysteriously disappeared, only leaving behind a legacy of enigmatic technology."

"... ... That's gay."

I cross my arms "I agree."

"Oh, let's finish this fight later."

"Look, what's that?" Donut point to a set of armor on screen

"Hhh! That looks like Sister's armor."

"Oh no, what happened to her?"

"Clearly, she's been disintegrated."


'Why would they do that? Oh, we can't tell Grif. He's gonna be devastated."

"Agreed, We can't tell Grif."

"Tell me what?" Grif asks walking up to us

"Tell you that your sister's been vaporized by the Blues."



Sarge chuckles  "It's just like rippin' off a band-aid. Quick and incredibly painful."

"We just talked about this, I thought we agreed not to tell him."

"You really need to start thinking about other people's feelings, Sarge."

"Yeah, Sarge you should  consider others feelings."

"The only thing I need to do is stay red and die."


"I'm really sorry Grif. She's dead."

"How could this have happened? Oh man, that was my little sister. I mean, I know we don't always see eye to eye, but I still loved her." He looks down

"This has to be hard Grif. I don't know what to say."

"I-I just, I had no idea the last time I saw her was gonna be the last time ever. I'd give anything to see her again and just to talk to her one last time, and I'm never gonna get that chance. It's the most empty feeling in the whole world."

I pat Grifs shoulder "At least you had some good times together."

"Oh hey, look! She's not dead, she's just naked!"

We turn back to the screen

"What! That little slut, I'm gonna kill her!" Grif looks at the screen

"Take a screenshot, take a screenshot!"

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