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"There's the base." Sarge points to the base

"It looks like they're in trouble. Is that that bounty hunter guy? That guy's a dick."

"Hah! The Blues have overextended themselves and spread their forces too thin! Classic blunder. Change of plans, men. Instead of hitting Blue Base, we're going to take back our own base!"

"Tank!" Grif shouts point towards the tank that rolls by toward Red Base

"Oh shit!"

"Rechange of plans!"

"Fuck this!"

"Blue Base it is." We run towards Blue base.

As we stand on top of blue base Sarge watches the Red base though the sniper rifle "Whoa. Looks like the blue one just got killed by the tank."

"A Blue got killed by their own tank? Man, I just had the weirdest sense of déjà vu."

"What the hell?" I look around

"Hey, speaking of getting tanked, we should see if the Blues have any beer around here."

"Hey-o!" Sarge cheers

Time rewind's:

"Yowza! Looks like the blue one just got sniped!" Sage says

"Hey, shpeaking of getting sniped-"

"We should see if the Blues have any beer around here?" I finish annoyed

"Uh, how did you know what I was going to say, Price?"

"Because you all ready said that dumbass.

"What no we just got here?"

"Yeah, are you alright Price?" Simmons looks at me

I tilt my head "are you seriously trying to tell me you guys don't remember anything?"

"Remember What, what the fuck's that supposed to mean?" Simmons asks

"You know what just forget it because the last time I tried to explain whats happening time seemed to-"

Time rewind again:

"Reset it self? Oh damn it!" I shout

"Uh, Price you ok?"

I sigh "Yeah, Simmons I'm fine."

"Whoa. Looks like the white guy just got stabbed." Sarge says lowering the rifle

"Hey, speaking of getting stabbed... I think I have a headache all of a sudden. For some reason I want a beer."

"Man I just had the weirdest sense of... meh what's that thing called? When you, think you've done something, but you don't know if you did it?"

"déjà vu, It's called déjà vu simmons." I groaned

"Who gives a fuck, what its called." Grif says

We stand there watching the ongoing battle between the Blues and some Whites people.

"Man, that seems like a really big fight."

"Yeah. Looks like they don't stand much of a chance. Ah, those Blues are finally getting what they deserve. I always knew this day would come."

Hey, Z you won't happen to know what happened to us a bit ago.

I'm not quite sure, but I do find it a bit odd that we seem to be the only two that recognized the time reloops

Grif groans bring me back to reality"Hhhh... You know, one of these days, and I don't know when, I'm gonna learn to shut my fuckin' mouth"

Sarge, Simmons, and Grif went in the Jeep. While Donut and I went on his motorcycle and after the fight we ride around when suddenly we hear voices on the radio

"This is Freelancer Tex broadcasting on an open channel." Tex says over radio

"This is Private Church broadcasting on an open channel." Church says over the radio

"Hey Blues, shut the fuck up, get off our radios and quit running our batteries down!" Simmons says over the radio "Do it now, or I will kill every last one of you! And then everyone else here as well! Just to prove a point!" Simmons starts laughing

"Uh, Donut I think we should find the other."

He nods and we ride off. Once we get there, the reds are arguing.

"Hey, who are you calling a buffoon? I am not a buffoon. I don't even know what a buffoon is!" Grif tells Simmons

"Both o' ya shut up."

"Seriously, what is that. Some kinda monkey? It's a monkey isn't it?"

"You fool!" Simmons says in a deeper voice

"Hey Reds!" Church runs up to us

"Freeze, you dirty Blue!"

The Reds aim at Church

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