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Church puts his hands up "N-n-n-n-n-no. Hey, I'm here to help. Omega's on the loose, and I think he's infected one of your guys."

"Infected? Initiate Emergency Plan Delta, men!" Sarge turns and shoots Grif in the stomach with his shotgun

"Ow! What the fuck!?"

"I didn't say who. I think it's actually Simmons." Church whispered

"That's okay, that's how all our emergency plans begin." Donut explains

"Of course, it is."

Simmons runs up to the jeep turret as Grif gets back up, after Sarge hits him in the ribs with the end of his shotgun once for good measure

"Simmons, get off that gun right now!" Sarge tells him

"No!" He shouts

"What did you say to me?" Sarge asked

"I said no," he laughs "How do you like that? No!"

"Well since you asked, I don't like it at all!"

"Fi-irst, I'm going to kill you. And then my plan to be leader of the Reds will be complete! After that I'm going to kill every being in the Universe. From now on, everyone will kiss my ass," he laughs

"Uh, yeah, it's definitely Simmons that got infected."

"Well, no shit. Donut! Initiate Emergency Plan Traitor Simmons Number Eleven!" Sarge yells to Donut

"On it, sir!" Donut turns toward Grif and fires his battle rifle into his chest

Grif falls to the ground "Ow-how-how-how." gagging sounds

"Donut! I said plan eleven!" Sarge shouts

"Where am I gonna get a steamroller?"

I sigh "I fucking hate my life right now."

"Simmons, do not fire that weapon. That's an order!" Sarge yells at Simmons

"Too late Sarge! Simmons is getting a promotion. Mahaha, mua-"Tex creeps up on Simmons and knocks O'Malley out of him. "Ow, the back of my lower legs! Ow, the side of my head! The back of my face! The front of my front!"

Tucker shouts from a distance "Hey Church, I think Tex is over here!"

"Thanks for the update!" Church shouts back

"Tex I know now might not be the best time, but I'd really like you to consider coming over to the Red team. Technically you know black is just a really dark shade of red. We'll talk later."

"Church, are we still talking on the radio?" Caboose asks over the radios then starts laughing "'Cause I'd love to talk on the radio. What? What am I doing in this idiot?" Tex runs toward Caboose, dumps her body, and Spirit Tex enters Caboose "Hegagergerk!"

"Heuh, crap. Sarge, I need you to do me a favor. If I'm not outta there in ten minutes, I'm gonna need you to disable that ship. 'Cause if Tex gets out of here with O'Malley and that kid, there's no one that's gonna be able to stop her."Church explains then leaves, heading toward Caboose.

"What the hell is he talkin' about?" Sarge asked after church left

"Oh. Tex and Omega have some kind of stupid plan to enslave the whole alien race. But Church thinks if she does, she's gonna become the Queen of the Universe or some shit." Tucker explained walking up next to Sarge.

"So, that's their plan." I mumble

Donut gasps "Queen of the Universe? No one even told me we were having a competition!"

"What in Sam Hell just happened here?"

"I'll tell you what happened, my own fucking teammate-" Simmons walks up and shoots Grif in the side of the head "Ow!"

"Nice to have you back Simmons." Sarge looks to Simmons

"Thank you sir, good to be back!" (quietly) "Cocksucker."

"Alright then, let's go blow up that ship." Sarge says getting in the warthog

"Hey, Church said to wait 'til he gets out." Tucker shouts as us

"Well that's a nice idea, son, but blowin' up stuff ain't a democracy." Sarge tells tucker then looks to Simmons "Simmons, where can we get some explosives?"

"Well, if you recall, we recently saw Andy the bomb and Lopez in one of the caves. So-"

"Of course! Come on men! Let's got ask Lopez if he knows where we can find some explosives!"

Simmons sigh "Excellent plan, sir."

I pat is back as he gets in and we drive off to the caves

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