02 ; green eyes

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"What's the answer to number twelve?"

Eden O'Malley sighed from her spot across from Peter as they studied in his living room. The trailer's dim lighting making her glare loose a bit of it's heat; as all Peter did at her expression was simply smile.

"You'd know the answer if you paid attention in class," Was Eden's reply, but she slid her paper towards him anyways.

"Come on Ed's give me a break," Peter said, scribbling down Eden's answer onto his paper. "You know just like I do how boring Mr. Juler is."

In fact, Eden did know. Since Peter took it upon himself to turn to her every five minutes in that class and roll his eyes at whatever the history teacher was saying. To which Eden would only reply with an eye roll of her own and point towards the front of the class to hint at Peter to listen anyways.

Since meeting Peter, Eden was pleasantly surprised that she and the gypsy shared two classes together, as well as the same lunch period. So, she and Peter were given the choice on whether or not they'd be friends - and they had chosen yes, that they would be. Bonding over the fact that they were social outcasts had a big help in the decision, but it was their love for each other's personalities that kept them together.

"Just because he's boring doesn't mean you don't have to listen," Eden said, grabbing her phone off the table when it vibrated. Frowning at the text from Fern, Eden let out a tiny groan before placing the phone back down onto the table once more.

"Trouble?" Peter asked, taking the beer from the table in front of himself.

"Fern wants to go dress shopping," Eden replied, grabbing the folder from her backpack and placing the history worksheet into it neatly. "She wants to go to a party this weekend."

"And she can't dress shop alone?"

"You've met my sister, you know what's she like," Eden said, referring the time that Fern had gushed over Peter when Eden had brought to male over to her house.

Eden's older sister had made Peter blush bright red with her praise for his shoulder-length hair and icy blue eyes. The youngest O'Malley had to practically drag Peter to her bedroom in order to get him away from her multicolored eyed sister.

"Fern is the best," Was what Peter said, laughing lightly when Eden only groaned in response.

Standing up, Eden made her way towards the trailer's door. Peter stood up as well, moving to escort her out when Lynda opened the trailer door before Eden could. The kind-eyed woman glanced at Eden and then at her son before smiling slightly.

"So this must be Eden?" Was all she asked, and she didn't wait for an answer as she placed her arms tightly around Eden's slim body.

"Yes," Eden said, awkwardly placing her arms around the Rumancek woman. "Eden O'Malley, nice to meet you."

"Oh I know who you are," Lynda said once she pulled away, "Peter talks about you-"

"See you tomorrow," Peter said, cutting off his mother mid-sentence. Eden glanced at her friend, before nodding her head and giving a goodbye to the mother and son.

Eden's combat boots creaked against the long wooden stairwell that led from the road down to Peter's trailer. Despite the stairs looking like they'd break at any moment, Eden made it to her bike without a problem.

The young redhead's bike was an old teal color with white-rimmed wheels. It had a basket on the front of it, where Eden placed her backpack before climbing onto it. She worked her feet down the road, heading towards the main town where she'd meet Fern.

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