12 ; hell talks

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The world stopped moving as Eden laid on her bed.

Her mind continued at a steady pace, trying to understand how Roman had been fine one moment and comatose the next.

Downstairs, she could hear nothing but silence. She knew that her mother was still home, waiting for Eden to exit her bedroom so they could talk. Fern would be at the high school, studying despite her worry for Eden's well-being.

It had been Eden who had forced her sister to go to school. She couldn't handle the looks she was getting from her sister; their mother's glossy eyes whenever she looked at Eden was enough.

A car accident. That was all it took to take out Roman Godfrey.

Eden briefly wondered how Peter was doing, or what he was doing to be more exact. She hadn't received anything from him since Constance had came into Eden's bedroom that morning with the news.

Most likely, he was comforting Letha - because apparently, that was a thing now.

Turning onto her side, Eden rested her hand against her chest. Her body feeling so cold compared to the once warm spot Roman had taken up behind her only a few hours prior.

"Your room is strange," Roman commented, a cigarette burning in between his fingers.

Eden, who was sitting upwards in bed, fiddling with her hair into a braid, snorted. "Does my room not fit in with your sensible millionaire tastes, Mr. Godfrey?"

At this, Roman just crushed his cigarette in the small ash-tray Eden had found laying on a dresser in Fern's bedroom. Her older sister had to work better on hiding spots, Eden found things way too easily for it to be fun anymore.

Finishing her hair, well, giving up on the braid, Eden let the copper strands fall against her naked shoulders. She was still bare, wrapped up in her strange quilt, with her thighs touching Roman's underneath the blanket. For a moment, she felt embarrassed, which was stupid given that they had just fucked each other stupid no more than twenty minutes ago.

A hand worked its way across Eden's stomach. Soft lips pressed against Eden's shoulder, and Eden turned her face, pressing her nose against Roman's temple. His body overshadowed hers, being that it was so tall and broad.

"You're thinking too loud," Roman said after a few moments. "Spill your guts, O'Malley."

"Why me?" Eden asked, removing Roman's chin from her shoulder and grabbing his face in between her fingers. Roman stared at her in slight confusion, but Eden needed to see his eyes. Needed to see what emotion crossed them. "Why did you choose to sleep with me? You could have every girl in Hemlock give you their virginity if you wanted, so why me?"

"Are you complaining?" Roman asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Why are you dodging the question?" Eden retaliated instead of answering Roman's own.

"I chose you because of what you just said," Roman admitted, and at Eden's eyebrows scrunching together on her forehead, he continued. "I don't want an easy girl. I want a girl who won't take my shit. Who calls me out whenever I fuck up, and who isn't afraid to combat me if she doesn't agree. A girl who is just like you apparently."

"Like me?" The red-head repeated, stiffening her jaw. She refused to let herself be flattered by Roman's words until she could prove their validity.

Roman's face turned up in a mocking smile at Eden's snotty tone. "I used to watch you in the hallways, you know?"

At Eden's head shake, Roman snorted. "I thought I was being so obvious about it. Obvious enough that my mother scolded me for it, at least. I wasn't staring because of attraction, at least not at first, I was staring because you reminded me of something I couldn't place at the time."

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