15 ; experience is a writer's material

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Eden wouldn't call what her and Letha have a friendship.

However, the ginger couldn't quite say they were just acquaintances either. The two of them have witnessed too much to just smile at each in passing without any other form of acknowledgement. So for this reason, Eden found herself saying 'yes' to having tea in Letha's kitchen.

The blond is in a crème colored top, swollen belly gently pressing against the granite counter she's leaning over in order to place the kettle onto the coils of the stove. Eden is watching from a chair seated at the island in the kitchen, hands laced together in front of herself.

Letha turns towards her after a few moments, giving a tiny closed mouth smile. "Do you take your tea with milk?"

"Um yeah," Eden mumbles, strangely shy, as she watches Letha get the carton from the fridge. The O'Malley teen can't quite shake that something strange was going to happen. Well, something stranger than sitting in a Godfrey's kitchen having tea that is.

If Eden's mother heard about this get together, she'd have a stroke. Out of all the Godfrey's, Constance O'Malley hated Norman Godfrey the most. Her lips always twisted into a scowl whenever his name was mentioned in passing conversation, replicating the look Constance always got whenever Fern tried to get her to watch television.

Every so often, when Eden gained the courage, she'd ask her mother about her hatred for Norman; and Constance would always spit something out about 'loose morals' in her direction and shove the subject away with a dismissive gesture.

Now, it wasn't as if Eden's mother hated Letha, in fact, Eden knew her mother pitied the female. Constance always got a saddened look in her eyes whenever Letha was within eye-sight, almost as if she wanted to offer some counseling for the female who thought she'd been knocked up by an "angel". How Peter could keep a straight face whenever Letha told the story was beyond Eden's comprehension.

"Do you ever feel like something is watching you?" This was Letha's voice, who knocked Eden from her thoughts.

The red-head looked up from the veins of the granite, connecting green eyes with dark blue irises. "What?"

Letha sighed softly, eyes glancing towards the side of her house where floor to ceiling windows were. Eden followed her gaze, seeing nothing but the autumn leaves scattered outside, before looking back at Letha.

"I just- I feel like so much has been happening lately," Letha spoke, biting the corner of her lip as she looked down at the floor. Then, she was huffing, smiling faintly and shaking her head almost in disbelief. "Forget it. I must be tired or something."

"Okay," Eden drawled, and stared at the female more intently.

Letha was beautiful. There was no denying it. With her thick blonde hair and bright eyes, which were positioned on a heart-shaped face, she was a sight for sore eyes. Her pale skin reminded Eden of something ethereal, almost ghostly, and it drew you in. Made you stare for a reason you couldn't quite place. It made sense that Peter had been drawn to her, because Eden was drawn to Roman for the exact same reason. The numbing beauty that was so stunning it was almost ugly.

The kettle whistled, alerting Letha and Eden of it's boiling temperature. Eden sat up straight, ready to get something to drink when Letha was gasping. Her body flinging itself slightly backwards to grip the counter behind herself, while her eyes were locked on something.

Turning quickly in alarm, Eden's eyes landed on a figure in the yard. A girl standing eerily straight with pure white hair extending down to her belly-button. She was dressed in over fitted clothing. A corduroy jacket and sleep pants that were touching the blades of grass surrounding her. She was staring intently through the window at them, dark gaze unwavering.

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