09 ; the godfrey castle

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"What if Destiny was wrong? What if the invitation was in Willoughby's car? Or her purse?"

Eden squinted slightly in the sunlight, her body squished in the middle of both Roman and Peter as they sat in Roman's cherry red car. They were outside of the Willoughby's house, waiting for the rest of the family to leave.

While the two boys took the front seats, Eden was leaning forwards enough to be in between them. Not like they minded. Both of them enjoyed the soft scent that the O'Malley female gave off.

"What if the moon hits her eye?" Peter replied calmly, lifting a hand in a slightly dismissive manner.

At this, Roman sighs, before looking back at Peter. "What if it was an E-Vite?"

Peter snorted a soft laugh, "Then the Order of the Dragon will have to find a new adventure."

"Suck a bag of dicks," Roman snapped, temper flaring. "I never called us the Order of the Dragon."

Eden stifled a laugh in the backseat, getting a fond glance from Peter as they both shook their heads at the faint blush that was forming onto Roman's cheeks. Even though his voice was hard, they both could tell that Roman wasn't actually upset.

They could never stay upset at one another for very long.

It was silent in the car for a few moments, Peter popping his gum loudly to be intentionally annoying as they all tried to find something else to comment on. Eden was braiding her hair in the back, multicolored fingers twisting at the sunburnt strands.

"What's up with this guy?" Roman asked, lifting his hand to motion towards an old man who was using his walking stick to get down the sidewalk.

"I don't know. He's just old," Eden hummed, shrugging her shoulders.

"Gross." Roman said simply, biting the inside of his cheek.

"How old's your mom anyway?" This was Peter, who had no respect for society's rules for questions not to ask someone.

"Why don't you ask her that?" Roman questioned, a small upturn in his lips.

Peter didn't say anything, and Eden couldn't blame him. Olivia Godfrey was a menace of a woman. A hail storm if Eden had to compare her to something. Every interaction with Olivia left you with bruises and head trauma with all the shots she took at you from close range.

Roman fidgeted roughly, hands slapping against the dash of his car. "What if they don't leave?"

"What if we stop beginning sentences using those words? Hmm?" Peter replied, giving Roman a patronizing look.

Peter's ring glinted in the sunlight as he lifted his hand, making Eden turn her gaze away from the golden jewelry on his pinky.

Leaning forwards, Roman snapped open his car door. "Fuck Penrose."

Eden gasped slightly when Roman stepped out of the car, moving across the street in front of the Willoughby's house. Peter was in a similar state, both of them watching as one member of their threesome walked away without them.

"My mama didn't raise no bitch." Eden stated in the air, lifting herself upwards from the back seat and sliding over the back door.

Her skirt flew upwards in the process of jumping down onto the blacktop. Not that she cared much. She and Peter were far too close to be scared off by any form of nudity. She had, after all, seen Peter's penis before.

"Eden!" Peter snapped, watching as she moved to follow Roman, before he was removing himself from the car in an attempt to follow after his two best friends. Who were both too impulsive for their own goods.

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