03 ; posh spice

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The black heels Eden wore dug angrily into her Achilles heel.

She wobbled slightly up the driveway, ringlets of ginger hair flicking against her back. Fern was waltzing up towards the front door of the house party, her stride showing that she had something to prove.

After managing the driveway, Eden stepped into the crowded party. Many familiar faces from their school were inside of the home, all of them holding some type of cup in their hand that was filled with alcohol.

"Fern!" A bright voice squealed, before Anya Darcy was practically flinging herself onto Eden's older sister. Who awkwardly patted the brunette's back with multicolored fingers.

Once Anya pulled away, she glanced at Eden, giving her a brief once-over before looking back at Fern and saying something the youngest O'Malley didn't bother to listen to. Instead, Eden scanned the party, finding it slightly childish how she wished that Peter had came with her.

"I'm going to get something to drink, do you want anything?" Eden asked, turning to look at her sister.

Fern shook her head, immersed in the conversation that she and Anya were having. Sighing, Eden moved through the crowded house, ignoring the whispers that followed her. Apparently, while everyone was fine with Fern's presence, the same couldn't be said for Eden's.

Stumbling into the kitchen and nearly breaking her ankle in one of her black heels, Eden grabbed a plastic cup from the spread that was on the kitchen's island. Surrounding the purple colored punch, that had to be grape flavored, were many bowls filled with snacks. From Doritos to M&M's, Eden was entranced.

Scooping out a generous helping of punch, that she hoped was spiked with something strong in order to help her get through the night, Eden grabbed a handful of the untouched M&M's.

Pushing open the kitchen door once more, she made her way towards the living room. Some couples were plastered against the wall of the room, tongues slick against each other. While others were obnoxiously shouting and talking loudly.

Awkwardly placing herself down on the living room couch, she sipped her punch. Making a pleased face as the contents in the drink burned her throat.

For a minute Eden wondered if the drink was spiked with something more sinister than alcohol; but decided that no one would even dare to try and lower their social status by touching her. Even if it was against her will, like the sick pervert they were.

Popping M&M's into her mouth every few seconds, Eden felt boredom begin to creep in on her. She tapped her foot restlessly against the carpeted flooring, before deciding that the house was too stuffy for her liking.

Finding a sliding door that led out towards the backyard, Eden made her way out of it. There were a few people out in the backyard, but none seemed to recognize Eden in the dark to pick fun at her.

Moving her body towards a secluded spot at the side of the house that faced the woods behind the house, Eden removed her heels from her feet. Throwing them toward the ground, she sighed in relief when her toes touched the cold ground.

Leaning against the side of the house, Eden let out a soft breath and closed her eyes.

It felt a bit morbid to be partying in the wake of someone else's death, but here she was, at a school party. Brooke, it seemed, didn't seem to be worthy of a week of morning - hell, she barely even got half a day.

Eden knew Fern had only came to the party in an attempt to get black-out drunk so that she didn't remember that her best friend was dead. But still, a party to pass the stages of grief was a bit unhealthy.

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