07 ; watching you, watching him

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Eden barely dodged Fern's elbow as her older sister went to fiddle with her hair.

Her sister was placing more barrettes in the fiery tresses on her head, while heading at a brisk pace towards the high school's front steps.

"Warn me before you stop again," Eden snapped, shoving her thumbs underneath the straps of her backpack. She briskly shoved past a nearby female group, who shot her dirty looks for the action.

"Sorry sis," Fern said, pushing her hair from her shoulders. "I'm just trying to finish up some last minute touches."

"Can I at least go before you?" Eden asked, referencing to how she was following after Fern and not the other way around.

At this, Fern turned around to face her, Eden barely stopping from running into her chest. This causing the younger O'Malley to shoot her sister a glare, which the eldest waved away.

"Are you trying to dodge lover boy?" Fern asked, crossing her arms over her chest and drumming her fingers on her arms as she awaited Eden's answer with a smirk.

Frowning, Eden shoved past Fern. "Peter isn't my lover boy,"

"Peter?" Was Fern's questioning voice, and Eden heard her sister's footsteps pick up in speed.

Once Fern caught up to her, shoulder to shoulder, Eden looked at her sister. "Yes Peter? Who were you talking about?"

"Godfrey," Fern said, grabbing Eden's shoulder and stopping her. "Who else would I be talking about? Unless you and Peter...I always knew there was something going on there, both of you are too close to not be sleeping together -"

"Peter and I aren't sleeping together!" Fern snapped, a bit too loudly, given how a group of students nearby glanced over with confused frowns.

Whispering, Eden continued, "And in regards to Roman, he is not my lover boy. He's not even my friend, he's just...Roman."

"That's not what it looks like," Her sister supplied, before stating, "He's been looking at you for the last fifteen minutes since you stepped onto the school campus."

"What? Where?" Eden asked, turning her head but Fern grabbed her jaw to stop her from following through with the action.

"He's by the steps that lead down from the back door," Fern supplied, ghosting her multicolored eyes around. "He's giving us a confused look. It's actually kind of cute. The way his eyebrows -"

"Enough!" Eden groaned, removing her chin from her sister's grip and turning around.

Sure enough, Roman was where Fern said he was; leaning elegantly against the stone wall, legs crossed at the ankle. A cigarette was pressed in between his lips as he took a drag, and when he caught Eden's stare, he saluted her effortlessly.

Curling her lip in slight disgust, Eden turned back towards her sister. Fern was waving brightly towards Roman, the bangles on her arm chiming together annoyingly.

Fern even went as far as to call out towards the male, "Hey Roman!"

Grabbing Fern's wrists, Eden snapped, "Stop it!"

Fern grinned brightly down at Eden's flushed cheeks. She had an expression on her face that only older siblings could have when teasing a younger one. "Aw, you're flushed."

"I'm not." Eden replied, before sucking in a heavy breath through her nose. She finally recollected herself, turning away from Fern and heading towards Roman's direction.

The male watched Eden head towards him, and dropped his cigarette onto the ground, snuffing it out with the bottom of his designer shoe. "O'Malley-"

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