11 ; some help from a friend

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Eden wasn't happy.

A bump in the road made the red-head's frown worse as she sat across from Letha and Peter on the bus from school. Her thighs are sticking annoyingly to the leather of the bus seat, making her adjust every few seconds.

How she had let Peter talk her into this, she didn't know.

The kid behind her had his knees pressing against the back of her seat, leaving imprints in her spine. Despite her many attempts to get him to stop, the guy just didn't seem to get it.

Eden was a few seconds away from using physical force to remove his legs from her back. Whether or not Peter would approve be damned.

"In other news, that guy we found on the road stabbed himself in the brain last night," Letha finished, her voice dropping low in the end of her sentence.

Eden perked up in her seat, turning towards Peter. The action made the tassels on her vest sway in varying degrees of florescent color. "Did you know his name?"

At this, Letha shook her head. "He just kept shouting things about Ouroboros."

"Ouroboros..." Eden hummed softly, testing the word in her mouth. It sounded familiar. Something she was sure she had heard her mother talk about before.

"Roman seemed weird today," Letha said after a lengthy silence.

"Yeah, he's pissed at me," Peter said, absentmindedly playing with the strap of his backpack.

"Why?" This was Eden, who was shamelessly stepping into the conversation again.

"Because there's a Roman sized blind-spot in the way that Roman see's things," Peter said, his eyes darting towards Eden and then away again.

"What happened Saturday night?" Letha asked, a tiny smile ghosting across her face. "Were you there when he got arrested?"

Eden froze at this question, as did Peter. After all, Peter and Roman had been escorting Eden's shaking and bleeding body from the mill when the cops had shown up.

Which had made Peter and Eden both hide as Roman had been booked for trespassing. It didn't take long for Roman to get out of his holding cell, because he had met Peter and Eden back at her house no more than twenty minutes later.

Despite this, Eden knew that Peter was peeved with Roman for even getting arrested in the first place; and having to take Eden home by himself when the Godfrey heir could've just controlled the cop's with a bit of eye contact.

"Hey Letha?" Eden asked, gaining the blonde's attention. "Does this bus stop at the Godfrey house?"

"I don't know," Letha said, before asking, "Why?"

"I think I'm going to pay Roman a visit."


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