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Eden found herself in an old building.

Flats stomping against the rusted stairs underneath her feet. A cool air was blowing through the stairwell, making the curls on her collarbones shudder.

The smell of mold and oil was flooding through her nostrils, making her brain wheel in an attempt at recollection of where she'd smelt the combined scent before. Light flooded into view at the top of the stairs and Eden quickened her steps to breech the sunlight.

As soon as she made it to the top of the steps, she was greeted with the sight of a bridge. It was chain-link in design and a dark red in color. It was the occupants of the bridge that had her coming to an erupt stop.

Roman and Peter stood side by side, staring out at the flowing water that was in the distance. The setting sun flared a soft yellow glow onto their starkly different faces.

Eden moved slowly, her footsteps causing both boys to look at her. However, they didn't say anything about her appearance.

Cautiously, Eden wound her body around Peter's and found her place in between both of the boys. Both Roman and Peter moving their bodies to the side and back together once she was snug in between their broad shoulders.

"This is one of the only rivers in the world that flows North," Roman's voice made Eden flinch, due to it's volume. It echoed in the blank air around them. "It confuses the birds. They say that birds can see the magnetic fields of the earth. That's how they know where to migrate. What do you think it was that bought us here?"

Peter and Eden remained quiet, before something startling in color caught Eden's eye on Roman's shirt. "Is that blood?"

Roman wobbled slightly, leaning backwards to show them his chest, "Yeah,"

Before their eyes, Eden and Peter watched as a blood symbol appeared onto Roman's shirt: A snake consuming it's own tail.

"Long story," Roman said, before he was leaning back against the railing and looking out at the birds that were cawing in the air above them. "Stupid ass birds!"

At once, the birds that had been flying over head plunged into the water. Falling like they'd been shot, one at a time.

"Are you okay?" It was Peter's voice, distant and far away.

Roman answered, "We're in this together,"

Growling echoed inside of Eden's brain, making her yelp loudly before she was gasping awake.

Her eyelids flicking helplessly as she lifted her head from her pillow. The darkness in her room was unsettling, and she quickly reached an arm out to click on her bed-side lamp.

Once her room was flooded with light, Eden let out a shaky breath. Green eyes moved slowly towards the alarm clock on her bed, noticing that she'd woken up ten minutes before her alarm was set to go off.

Moving off her bed, Eden stood on shaky legs. Running her hands over her face a few times, she let out a few calming breaths before she pushed the dream from her mind. Once she removed the hands from her face, Eden made her way towards her bathroom.

After setting the shower water to the temperature she wanted, Eden stripped and stepped onto the cool tile. She closed her eyes, trying to relax her body, which was still tightly wound. Faintly, she could hear the alarm going off in Fern's room next door.

Opening her eyes, Eden blinked against the droplets of water that fell into her eyes as she gazed up at the stream of water. Sluggishly, Eden began to carry out her normal routine, washing her hair and body before turning off the water.

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