10 ; swaddled in blood

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"This place is ugly." Eden O'Malley's voice rang out, as she stood amongst the dusty ground.

Her hands were positioned on her hips as her skirt flapped against the back of her thighs. Green eyes scanned the rusted pipes of the old mill, a slight frown working itself in between her full eyebrows.

"It's not the prettiest," Peter agreed, kicking up dirt with the toe of his shoe as he stood beside her. He then turned towards an approaching Roman, pointing towards the shiny red car. "Is there anywhere we can park this out-back? You know, in case someone-"

"No one gives a shit about what happens out here," Was Roman's reply, sticking a cigarette into his mouth.

"Except us, right?" Eden pointed out, only to earn a shrug from Roman in reply.

Both Peter and Eden watched as Roman made his way towards the gates of the old mill. He worked a shiny key into the lock, twisting his wrist until it popped open. Pushing the door wider with a long arm, Roman stepped through the doorway with both Peter and Eden following.

"Cool." Peter murmured, blue eyes glancing around the mill's walls.

Watching him, Eden felt a tiny smile ghost across her face. His childish wonder was as contagious as it was endearing. Peter turned towards her, and Eden looked away, pretending that she hadn't been staring at his profile.

Moving towards the side of the old mill, Roman removed another key from his pocket before he unlocked the door. It slid open with a high pitched squeal, making Eden wince as she clomped her feet into the darkness of the mill's innards.

"Ever see this place when it was running?" Peter asked, his voice sounding eerie in the silence of the abandoned building.

Scanning her eyes around, Eden could hear a buzzing in her head. It was soft, but still present in her consciousness. She stuck a finger in her ear, trying to see if it would stop - to no avail. The buzzing was faint, so she assumed that it was because she had popped her ears somehow without knowing.

"My old man closed it down before I was born." Roman said, lanky body bending down to weave underneath the pipes. His back was stiff underneath the dress jacket he was wearing. It made his shoulders look defined and broad.

Large holes and gears were on the floor of the mill. Eden ran her hands over them, liking the rough texture against the pads of her fingertips. She was entranced in a strange way by the obvious neglect of the mill; and judging by the curious look in Peter's eyes, he felt the same.

"Lots of people died here. Workers and shit." Roman continued, voice monotone.

Passing by a pipe that had the numbers 116 B written on it in white spray-paint, Eden began to hear water splashing down onto the ground. It sounded like rain, but it was accompanied by the smell of mold and dust.

Once her footsteps splashed into some water, Eden glanced upwards from the pipes and felt her mouth fall open as she stared at the holes in the ceiling. Water was rushing from everywhere, pouring down from the many broken shafts of the mill like a fountain.

"Take this." Roman turned around, handing Eden a flashlight before doing the same with Peter.

Clicking on her flashlight, Eden moved the beam around the room. She smiled in wonder as slightly tinted green water flowed from every available crevice. Eden was tempted to run her fingers through the liquid, but held herself back.

Stepping over fallen pipes and jagged wire on the ground, Eden stood in between both Roman and Peter. Their bodies, warm and tough, guarding Eden from the cold of the mill. She felt safe amongst them, like she could take on anything that came after her.

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