04 ; wuthering heights

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Tapping her knuckles on the rusty front door of Peter's mobile home, Eden hugged her books to her chest. Puffing out her lips as she heard rustling awaken behind the door.

"Peter! Eden's here!" Lynda's voice called from behind the door, before the mother was opening it up. She gave Eden her traditional bright smile, brown eyes kind. "Hello Eden. How are you?"

"I'm fine, thank you," Eden replied, giving the Rumancek woman a kind smile of her own. "Peter wake up late?"

"Of course," Lynda said, rolling her eyes. "You know how boys are."

Despite not really knowing how males where, given that she lived with no one other than her sister and mother, Eden nodded anyways. Green eyes watching as Peter stumbled into view behind his mother's back, awkwardly fixing the collar of his tassel vest.

"Ready?" Eden asked, moving slightly down the steps leading to the mobile home's front door, as Peter slung his bag around his body.

After giving her a slight nod, and his mother a goodbye, Eden and Peter began to climb the stairs that led to the main road. Both walking in a comfortable silence towards the high school.

"Any word from Godfrey?" Was Eden's attempt to break the silence between them. Her maroon colored boots, which were two sizes too big, clunking against the pavement.

"Should there be?" Peter replied, raising an eyebrow at her. Tendrils of dark hair falling against his cheek and curling against his jawline.

Diverting her eyes, Eden hummed. "I don't know exactly. Which is why I brought it up with you. Hoping you'd give me some insight on the topic of Mr. Posh Spice,"

"I say we don't get our hopes up too much," Was Peter's simple reply, both of them a few blocks away from the school now. "It's not like he'd ever be willing to be caught dead with us."

Nodding her head but saying nothing more, Eden followed behind Peter up the stairs that led to the main doors of their high school.

Like always, eyes drifted to the both of them. Though the remarks had lessoned, every student now getting used to the fact that Eden and Peter were friends, they didn't tone down their staring.

A familiar clunking sound erupted from down the hallway, and Eden knew who it was instantly. Peter seemed to know as well, because he was grinning to himself, shoving his books into Eden's arms rudely.

He rushed down the hallway, stopping just a few moments shy of Shelley Godrey. "Halt,"

Doing as told, Eden watched as Peter chivalrously removed the toilet paper that had been stuck to Shelley's shoe with his foot. Shelley's cheeks heated up, faintly glowing, and Eden smiled before walking over to join them at their place farther down the hallway.

"So you going to this dance?" Peter asked, pointing to a nearby flyer on the wall. When Shelley shook her head, Eden's best friend sighed. "Oh, well I guess there's not much point in me going, huh?"

Again, Shelley blushed faintly. Peter opened his mouth to say something more, when Victor Norman slammed his shoulder roughly into his back. Peter grunted at the impact, barely catching himself from toppling into Eden, who was on his right side.

"Wolf fucker." Victor snarled, before continuing down the hallway. The boy even following his comment up with a faint wolf howl to enhance his words.

Laughing lightly, Peter pushed his hair from his face. Eden frowned, watching as Peter tried to easily deflect a bit of hurt from showing in his expression.

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