13 ; the definition of a person

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Eden shuffled down the front steps of the high school, moving around the pages in her notebook as she tried to make it to the bus on time. Despite, not really liking the yellow vehicle, Peter insisted that she ride with him and Letha.

And Eden did, mostly because she felt guilty.

Guilt. It was a strange emotion to feel around Peter. Eden had never felt guilty over anything in regards to Peter, but that had changed the moment she had pressed her lips to Roman Godfrey's.

That had changed the moment she and Roman had agreed to not tell Peter about, well, them fucking. At the time, the secrecy towards the third member of their trio seemed like a good idea.

Now? Eden wasn't so sure.

"Ed's!" This was Peter, who was coming up behind her. His hair was loose around his ears, flopping carelessly around his stubble covered jaw.

"Hey," Eden said, adjusting the notebooks in her arms. "I thought I was supposed to meet you on the bus?"

"Mr. Vance stopped me after class," Peter said, rolling his eyes. "Said I needed to pay more attention to the material. He doesn't want me getting left behind."

Eden simply hummed in reply, grabbing the railing on the stairs, when someone was smacking into the side of her roughly. She stumbled, grabbing onto Peter's bicep on reflex to steady herself.

The faces of Chance Wilsher and Ben Albert stared back at her. Ben took his place at Peter's other side, while Chance was beside Eden. They were blocking them in, keeping both Eden and Peter from escaping peacefully to the bus.

"It's a full moon tomorrow," Ben sing-songed, turning his face to look at the side of Peter's. When Peter didn't answer, Ben added on, "Do you have spunk in your ears Rumancek? I'm talking to you, you dirty piece of gypsy shit."

"Aw, he's probably just down because his girlfriend is in a coma," Chance added on, his breath hot against Eden's ear. His comment made Ben's grin twist upwards in amusement, while Peter remained stoic in between them.

"Fuck off, Chance." Eden snapped, turning towards the dark haired boy. Her face was twisted in annoyance, border-lining on anger. She hated how everyone thought they could gang up on Peter all the time.

"Shut up, O'Malley," Chance snapped at her, shoving her against Peter once more with his shoulder. "We all know that you probably only hang out with this faggot because he's the only one who's more fucked up than you."

"Tell me," Chance added on, without missing a beat after his insult to Eden. "Where does the wolf come from anyways?"

"Yeah, did your mom toss a steak between her legs and say 'come and get it boys' ?" Ben asked, swinging his arm around Peter's shoulder.

At this, Peter paused. His eyes glanced towards Eden's beside him, and then he was in action. He grabbed Ben roughly, spinning the male around and kneed him roughly in the stomach. Ben fall against the bus, winded, and clutching at his stomach.

Chance moved to grab Peter, and Eden smacked him roughly in the face with her notebook. Surprised by the movement, Chance stumbled backwards, leaving Peter and Eden with enough time to try and enter their bus, but Ben was jerking Peter backwards and throwing him on the ground.

The sound of a fist connecting with a jaw made Eden let out a scream of surprise. Peter was slammed towards the ground, gritting his teeth and closing his eyes tightly as Ben began to kick him in the ribs repeatedly. Eden jumped off the stairs of the bus, but her arm was caught by Chance, who had expected Eden to try and intervene.

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