The Day I Was Exiled

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Hi everyone. This is my first Code Geass fanfiction. I will also include quotes from both anime and real life that are relevant to this story at the start of every chapter. Disclaimer: I do not own Code Geass or any of the other series' that I mention. Please give review, give suggestions, and enjoy!

Pairing- [Lelouch x C.C]

"I have two rules. First rule- I am never wrong. Second rule- If I am wrong, back to the first rule," - L from Death Note

Lelouch POV

I am Lelouch vi Britannia, so why is this happening? I am supposed to be the eleventh son of the 98th emperor, Charles zi Britannia, and seventeenth in line to heir the throne, so why don't I have enough support to be entitled to some form of royal power? If only I had power... I know his majesty, my father, is, what seems to be, a very busy man, but why couldn't he ever talk to me about providing me my own security team in detail? I want answers.

There she lay, my mother, Marianne vi Britannia, her clothes torn to shreds and filled with bullet holes as her lifeless body still has her arms protectively wrapped around a very shocked, confused, and terrified girl. Nunnally vi Britannia, my dear little sister, quivered under the weight of mother. All I could do was the same thing. The windows were shattered and shards of glass lay all over the ground. At the bottom of the stair case, a few dozen bullet cartridges lay, some still rolling around.

"What happened?! Lelouch, are you okay? Where is Nunally?" It was my brother Clovis La Britannia, a very stern look plastered on his face as two of his guard's attempted to enter the scene first, insisting for him to not take such a risk.

"I... I don't know, brother," I choked, feeling nauseous and empty. The blood from my head drained as I knew that I looked as pale as a ghost. The last thing I remember was collapsing right where I stood.

"Nunna...lly" I croaked.

I woke up to an unfamiliar ceiling, surrounded by my siblings. Cornelia. Euphemia. Clovis. Schneizel. They all seemed to be discussing something, as they hadn't noticed that I had regained consciousness. "Any idea who could've pulled such a heinous act of cowardice, Schneizel?" Cornelia asked.

"No. As Britannians, we have too many enemies already and it won't be easy to identify the culprit," Schneizel replied, sounding as calm as ever.

"Can't we worry about that later? We need to protect Lelouch and Nunnally!" Clovis exclaimed.

That instantly managed to wake me from my slumber. "Nunnally. Where... Where is she?" I questioned.

All of their gazes instantly shot in my direction. Euphemia was the one who instantly inhibited my attempt at sitting up and laid me back down. "Lelouch! I am so glad you're okay! How are you feeling?" Euphie inquired.

"I think I'm fine. What of Nunnally? Is she okay?" I whispered.

Schneizel grinned at me. "She is in the hospital right now, brother. She is in critical condition, but I think she'll recover." He said.

Even if he is my brother, I am still not convinced. "I want to see her... now." I said, gently pushing Euphemia's hands off of my shoulders.

"Brother, please do not over exert yourself," came the voice of Clovis.

"Please!" I desperately begged. I need her. Now, more than ever, I needed to hear the same voice that reminded me that everything will be alright.

To my surprise, Cornelia voiced her opinion on the matter first. "I don't see why not. We are all worried about our siblings. They should be our priority to protect and worry for, together," Cornelia stated.

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