Shiawase Neiro

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"Even if we forget the faces of our friends, we will never forget the bonds that were carved into our souls," - Yuzuru Otonashi from Angel Beats!

"I know I said that I was proud of serving Britannia, but... this has gone beyond war!" Gino said, grimacing in disgust at the massive crater where the Tokyo Settlement once stood.

"If they ever use this weapon again, then the Black Knights will be annihilated," Tohdoh said.

. . . . . . .

The time was 5:30 PM. About half of Ashford Academy was destroyed, but the main campus building was mostly intact. Security and school officials helped citizens reunite with their loved ones by taking role-call.

The news anchor of Hi-TV delivered the results. "At least ten million people are confirmed dead. Whatever just happened, their was some sort of aftershock that destroyed even more of the city outside of the war zone. Another 25 million people were caught in that and disappeared, so it is extremely likely that a total of at least 35 million people are dead. We still know very little about what happened aside from the fact that the cause of this destruction was some sort of nuclear weapon. Never before have we ever seen millions get killed by a Weapon of Mass Destruction in the history of warfare. We'll be back with another update in an hour while we gather as much information as possible."

Rivalz sprinted up the stairs in the library, stopping in front of Milly, who looked at least somewhat relieved to see that he's alive. "Woah! Ahhhhhh! Oh my god! Pres, please tell me that you're alive?!"

Milly grinned. "Yeah. I'm still here."

The two of them half laughed and half cried, but above all, they were just glad to see each other.

. . . . . . .

Lelouch looked around in shock, trying to understand what just happened. There was no way that Nunnally was caught in that explosion, right? She escaped, right?

Before Jeremiah and Rolo could react to stop him, Lelouch landed the Shinkiro in the crater.

"My lord! It's not safe! Get out of there!" Jeremiah shouted, worried.

"All units, find Nunnally!"

"Negative, Zero. We're pulling out," Tohdoh said, knowing that if Britannia has another FLEIJA in the battlefield, then many more will die. Vast majority of those that died in the explosion were Britannian, but that doesn't mean that no Black Knights were killed; about 800 Black Knights were killed, a small number compared to the 12,000 Britannian soldiers that perished.

"TOHDOH!" Lelouch yelled.

Lelouch jumped out of his cockpit and started looking around, ignoring Suzaku, who simply landed his Lancelot, sitting in the cockpit, trembling.

"NUNNALLY!" Lelouch screamed. "NUNNALLY! WHERE ARE YOU?!"

He stopped to catch his breath, breathing heavily. His phone suddenly rang, the contact displayed as, "SUZAKU". Lelouch climbed back into the Shinkiro, took off his mask, and answered the phone. "Hello?"

"Lelouch, I need to ask you something. Are you Zero?" Suzaku said, his voice deadpan and completely devoid of any emotion.

Lelouch's eyes widened, but then turned serious. "... Yes. I am Zero."

"... Meet me at the Kururugi Shrine. Now. And come alone."

. . . . . . .

Princess Cornelia escaped from her cell. Again. This time, her captors were actually chasing her on the Ikaruga. She made it onto the runway of the Ikaruga before she got cornered.

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