Man of Miracles

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"Do or do not; there is no try." Yoda from Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back.

The next morning, Lelouch and C.C ditched school again, getting right back to work. They chose to use the submarine for what Zero has in mind.

"So, what's on your to-do list for today, Lelouch?" C.C asked.

"Well, we need to negotiate with the Chinese Federation for land that not only can the Black Knights use as their Head Quarters, but also as a medical bay for you. After that, I will figure out what to do with the E.U and how to confront Akito about my identity," Lelouch said, sitting in a chair for his desk in his private quarters, his Zero mask lay in front of him.

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go," C.C said as she strode out the door. Lelouch put on his mask and followed her to the bridge of the sub.

"Rakshata, I need to ask you about those Gekkas that I heard of; how many lower classed Knightmare Frames can you scrap to make one?" Zero asked. Rakshata smiled.

"Well, one Gekka is worth about 30 Glasgows; it would also take about 18 Sutherlands to make one Gekka. Why do you ask, Zero? If you want me to scrap one or the other, just tell me which one. It's a piece of cake, really," Rakshata said.

"Very well. Get rid of any Glasgows you can find; I'd rather keep the Sutherlands. Once you're done, give them to the Four Holy Swords; they're our ace squadron. Also, spare one extra Gekka; I wish to hand it to the Chinese Federation," Zero stated, sitting down in the front of the room where a HUD TV lay. Everyone gave him an inquisitive look. "I need to talk to the High Eunuchs."

After a few minutes, a communications link was established. One of the High Eunuchs appeared on the screen.

"Ah. If it isn't the famous masked vigilante known as Zero," Gao Hai said in his high pitched voice, making Tamaki cringe. "What is it you wish to speak of?"

"The Black Knights have needs that require your attention, one of which is that we don't have a safe haven on dry lands. I wish to negotiate for this," Zero said.

"Oh? We can offer you Horai Island, but what will you give us in return?" The Chinese man said.

"I can offer you an advanced Knightmare Frame called a Gekka; these machines are superior to any other Knightmare in almost every way, as they're extremely agile and are meant for your ace pilots. I believe that should satisfy your armed forces' needs," Zero proposed.

"But why should we use another kind of Knightmare when we already have the mass produced Gun-Ru's? Do you look down on us, Zero?" Asked the offended Eunuch. Zero laughed.

"You're mistaken. There is a clear difference between your Gun-Ru's' deadly artillery vs our Gekkas' Close Quarters Combat abilities as well as military ordinance," Zero said, shocking everyone in the room for how easily he handled the conversation. "If there is ONE thing that the Black Knights have in common with the Chinese Federation, it's that our forces are made of a meritocracy. Do we have a deal?"

The High Eunuch laughed. "I like the way you play, Zero. Yes, we have a deal. Horai Island is all yours."

Under his mask, Lelouch smiled, and not the sinister one of a leader, but that of a caring boyfriend. 'Don't worry, C.C,' Lelouch thought. 'Everything will be alright now that our childs' safety is guaranteed.'

If there was one thing that Akito Hyuga hated about the military, it's when negotiations go terribly wrong. He really hoped that wasn't the case as he stared at the letter that fell out of his school locker, which read 'Come to the docks south of the Tokyo Settlement. In the Sea of Japan, we live aboard a sub. - Zero.'

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