The Not-Dead-Yet Battlefront

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"I walk a lonely road, the only one that I have ever known. Don't where it goes, but it's only me, and I walk alone," - Lyrics from the song 'Boulevard of Broken Dreams' by Green Day and their popular 2004 album 'American Idiot.'

(Flashback) Thanksgiving Day, November 23rd, 2009 a.t.b

A nine year old Suzaku Kururugi nervously stood next to his father, Genbu Kururugi, in the kitchen of his home as he helped his father prepare a Thanksgiving dinner.

"Hand me the electric knife, will ya?" Genbu demanded.

Suzaku nodded, handing his father the sharp tool. Genbu began cutting into the steaming hot turkey while Suzaku stared at him nervously.

"What is it, kid?" Genbu asked, looking out of the corner of his eyes towards his son.

"... How come you've never really liked me?" Suzaku finally asked.

Genbu turned the knife off, frowning. "Liked you? Who in the hell says I have to like you?"

Suzaku averted his gaze.

Genbu set the knife down. "My job is to provide for this family with the amount of money I make, which is a lot. Do you know why I get paid so much? It's because I have to lead this country, which is one of the hardest job in all of Japan. So, where did you get the idea that I liked you? I don't gotta like you, boy. Listen to how ridiculous you sound, Suzaku. There is a clear difference between loving your own family, and trying to provide for them."

"You don't love me?"

Genbu sighed. "Let me ask you something; do you have a roof over your head?"


"Boy, when you talk to me, you better answer with a, 'Yes sir!' I'll ask you once again, do you have a roof over your head?"

"Yes sir!"

"Do you get all the food you need?"

"Yes sir!"


"Yes sir!"

"Basic means for survival?"

"Yes sir!"

"Then get the hell outta my face and go sit at the table and wait for dinner!"

Suzaku walked away, feeling legitimately sad without the affection of his father. Little did he know, Genbu was being very harsh because he didn't want Suzaku to suffer the same fate he did as a teenager; he wanted Suzaku to work hard in school and not slack off, unlike his father, in hopes of a better life. Genbu was especially scared of spoiling the child in fear of the possibility that Suzaku would become like Genbu.

Despite the fact that Genbu managed to graduate High School and College with all of the necessary degrees to get a full-time job, his own parents weren't pleased with his grades.

(Present Day) Wednesday, August 1st, 2018 a.t.b

Lelouch had everyone gathered in the command room of Castle Weisswolf; the W-0, Leila, Warwick, Hammel, the scientists, everyone. C.C stood next to him, holding his arm. The time was 8:30 AM.

"I'm sure that, by now, everyone in here has deduced my identity to the fact that I am Zero," Lelouch stated, wearing his Zero costume but not his mask. "Did anyone in here think differently? Be honest. I want to make sure that no one is surprised and that all of you trust me."

Looking around the room, no one raised their hands, all of them giving him a look of determination and... hope? Hope for victory with him as their leader? Lelouch hadn't seen that look since he started pulling off multiple miracles against Britannia alongside the Black Knights, but with his Zero mask on. This was much different.

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