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"To murder a life is to murder humanity. To save a life is to save humanity," Excerpt from the Holy Qur'an.

"Alright everyone. Pack it up. We're done for today. Hip. Hip. Hooray!" Lloyd exclaimed. Suzaku sighed with relief. He could finally get away from his annoying self-proclaimed sociopath of a boss.

"Why don't you go to school, Suzaku?" Cecile suggested. "It's important to hang out with your friends every once in a while."

Suzaku did just that. He hadn't been to the Student Council for a while. While he and Rivalz fucked about, Kallen and Milly discussed what to do with the school festival.

"I want a maid café!" Rivalz said.

Everyone occasionally offered their own opinion. Everyone except Lelouch. He seemed extra quiet. Suzaku felt a little uncomfortable when seeing his friend thinking, knowing that Zero is contemplating how to solve some sort of predicament. Suzaku confronted his friend after school.

"Hey Suzaku. You called me up to the roof. What's up?" Lelouch started.

"I want to know what's bothering you," Suzaku said, earning him a confused look from Lelouch. "Well... I want to know what is bothering Zero. Something has been on your mind, right?" Lelouch sighed.

"I was thinking that maybe I should introduce you to the Black Knights and let them know that you might work under cover for us. Besides, Euphie really wants to see you," Lelouch stated.

"Okay. I suppose you could take me to their hideout," Suzaku said.

"Right. Follow me."

The Black Knights 'hideout' wasn't what Suzaku was expecting at all. A submarine. Here, no one would be able to find them. Even if their position is compromised, there would be no way of knowing whether it's a J.L.F vessel or the Black Knights. Suzaku smiled at Euphie who stood next to Rakshata.

"Introducing the newest member of the Black Knights. Suzaku Kururugi!" Zero stated as he waved over to Suzaku. All of the Black Knights looked at Zero like he was crazy.

"You're kidding!" Kallen exclaimed. Surprisingly, everybody besides Tamaki gave him a warm welcome.

"Suzaku. It's been a while," Said Tohdoh, now a Black Knight along with the Four Holy Swords.

"Yeah. It's great to see you all," Suzaku said, a small grin on his face. He was a little shocked to find out that Kallen is half Japanese, but the news was easy to accept.

"Suzaku Kururugi said that he doesn't want to be deployed into combat because he doesn't want to have to kill, but he will now work under cover for us as a Britannian soldier for the Black Knights," Zero said. "Rakshata can take it from here."

"Thank you, Zero," Rakshata said. "I have developed an important piece of technology combined with the medical field. May I test it on Princess Euphemia?"

"As long as it doesn't harm her, you may," Zero said. Rakshata pulled out a syringe with a strange liquid in it.

"This here, is the Long Range Vitals Monitor. I've developed a way to keep an eye on a persons vitals without any electronics or wires attached," Rakshata said as she rubbed an alcohol swab on Euphemia's arm and inserted the needle. "Her pulse will show on this little communicating device here along with her oxygen levels and blood pressure. We need to know if all the keys to Zero's' entourage are okay at all times. I need to put this in everyone. Think of it like a vaccine. It'll last about a year."

Rakshata did just that, sticking a needle into everyone's arm in a private room, including Zero, C.C, and Suzaku. Is there anything she cannot do?

"With that out of the way, I think it's about time that we start worrying about the next Britannian Commander. He defeated half of the E.U single handedly," Deithard stated, pulling up a picture of a handsome young man with blond hair. "This is Prince Schneizel. From what I hear, he is as every bit as capable a leader and strategist as Zero is."

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