Battle of Shikinejima

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"I'd rather die standing on my feet rather than live on my knees," - George Washington.

0530 Hours, Saturday, January 13th, 2018 a.t.b

"All Black Knights!" Zero shouted through the intercom of the submarine. "In approximately 1430 hours, we will launch a surprise attack on Shikinejima! As you have all been prepared since the Battle of Narita, I expect great results! All of my high ranking officers are to immediately report to the bridge for briefing. Everyone else will be filled in later."

Rakshata was the only one present besides Zero and C.C, as she continued her research on the Gekkas and the Alexander. After a few minutes, the entire entourage of the Black Knights arrived. No one was nervous, as it had been a while since they fought an all out battle against Britannia; they know what to expect. Zero cleared his throat and began to speak.

"Excellent. As I said before, we are to launch a surprise attack on Shikine Island. The purpose of this mission is to capture and take control of the Britannian air base at their stronghold; we have guaranteed a safe haven for our land forces as well as our forces at sea, but there is no Head Quarters for our air force, which has very little power in numbers and technology. Diethard and Rakshata have already been informed of the mission; tell them what exactly it is that we are doing."

"Of course!" Diethard began. "Rakshata has hacked into the enemies' control of one of their Unmanned Aerial Vehicle's, and the good thing is that they don't even know it yet. One of our pilots will use that drone to launch airstrikes to destroy some of their aircraft. It is imperative that some of their technology survives; using the 25 millimeter turret to kill as many of their pilots as possible, we NEED to steal one of their E-767's so that we can use Electronic Countermeasures (E.C.M) to jam their radar. Once that is done, our Knightmares will move in to capture the air base."

"Any questions?" Zero asked.

Tamaki raised his hand. "Uh, yeah... So, why are we launching this attack at night? Wouldn't it be easier for us to hit 'em while the sun is still up?"

"Good question, but it's simple. If we strike at night time, they'll have trouble getting their aircraft off the ground and trying to shoot down the drone we hacked into at the same time; they'll become sitting ducks. Plus, the Black Knights specialize in fighting at anytime of the day or night, regardless of the conditions," Zero said.

Cornelia wasn't allowed to see Euphie. All they told her was that she is alright and that Zero ordered them to treat her with hospitality. All she could do was sit in her cell on board the sub and try to decipher Zero's identity. Who is he, really? If he is Britannian like he claimed, then what reason would he have for inciting a rebellion against his own nation? The only logical conclusion Cornelia could come to was that Zero was a former disciple of the famous Tohdoh of Miracles who taught Zero everything he knows and-

Her thoughts were interrupted when the large, rusty door opened with a startling, loud squeak. Zero walked in with Euphie following behind. Cornelia immediately jumped to her feet and grabbed the bars of the cell, trying to get a good look at her little sister.

"Euphie! Are you okay?" Cornelia nearly shouted.

Euphemia smiled. "Don't worry, sis. I am alright. The Black Knights were kind to me, despite the fact that they thought it to be weird that Zero wanted them to treat me not as a Prisoner of War, but as an equal."

"Cornelia li Britannia," Zero said. "I thought I should at least give you the opportunity to talk with your own sister."

As much as Cornelia resents Zero, his actions only confused her more. What was he after?

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