It Begins

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"Trying to forget someone you love is like trying to remember someone you never met," - Yuu Otosaka from Charlotte.

Wednesday, May 23rd, 2018 a.t.b

Charles zi Britannia, the 98th Emperor, felt that he should do something much sooner than than his enemy, Zero, could possibly anticipate. Feeling a bit antsy with the productivity that his subordinates have managed while sitting on board his throne in his flagship, the Great Britannia, Charles rose out of his chair to stretch his legs.

"Tell Miss Croomy that I need Suzaku Kururugi here at once," Charles ordered.

"Right away, my lord!"

Although the Great Britannia is his majesties' flagship, all operations are overseen by the Knight of Twelve, Monica Krushevsky. The image of such a hierarchy with the Emperor letting his right hand do all the dirty work was something the other crew members didn't really mind, as they passed it off as him having a medical condition that they didn't know of, such as arthritis; the Emperor is 62 years old, after all.

The Great Britannia remained afloat off of the coast of a Britannian-controlled New Zealand, which is at least a good six hours away from Area 11; here, Britannians are safe from the Black Knights for the moment, as Rakshata is too busy mass producing some new Knightmares that Britannia knows very little about instead of researching the float system, which Lloyd Asplund developed. Although, a few of their Knightmares do have optional float capabilities, such as the Guren, the Zangetsu, and the Gawain.

One hour later, Suzaku arrived aboard the Great Britannia via a VTOL. Entering the bridge, Suzaku felt anxious as hell; this is the first time he's meeting the Emperor of Britannia, much less a few of the Knights of the Round.

Bowing before Charles, Suzaku said, "What is thy bidding, your majesty?" Suzaku has seen a few of his speeches and thought it to be appropriate that he should try speaking like him.

Turning his head towards Monica, Charles said, "Leave us." She soon filed everyone on out of the room, leaving just the Britannian leader and the Major along with two security guards by the throne.

"Kururugi, you know who Zero is, don't you?" Said the 98th. "All you have to do is rat out one little terrorist, or else... You wouldn't want something to happen to Euphemia now, correct? You love her, am I wrong?"

Suzaku could see it plain as day. Charles was threatening to kill Euphie if he didn't sell Lelouch out. Even if he sold Lelouch out, would that much guarantee that Euphie lives? And what would happen to Lelouch?

Suddenly, Suzaku felt two strong arms take hold of his own. The two men that were guarding the Emperor by his throne were now dragging the Japanese teen to the floor. Suzaku didn't fight back, letting them hold him down on his knees as the Emperor suddenly stood up.

"Let's begin the next phase of our counterattacks against Zero. You will remember none of it: Zeros' identity, the time the two of you spent together, and all your trust in him. Charles zi Britannia orders you to..." The Emperor barked as the Geass in his eyes began taking over Suzaku's mind.

. . . . . . .

After several weeks of feeling like absolute shit, C.C began feeling better. Within that time frame, there were several occasions in which she tried to get up and ask Lelouch if she could come with him to his almost daily business as Zero, but he forced her to stay in bed.

On his way to school, Lelouch sent a text to Suzaku: Do you have military duties right now? Today is the last day of school, y'know. Milly said that she wants to send us off with a surprise, as we're graduating without her.

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